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Multiple connection channels using SNA session support

This section describes how to establish parallel sessions between the following specific client applications:

Enabling parallel sessions between the client applications and IOAGATE allows sessions to connect to their respective repositories through a single logical unit.

Note:The steps for mainframe-related configuration activities are provided in the following topic. For non-mainframe related steps, see the documentation of the relevant client application.

To support parallel sessions, the following components must be configured:

Changes must be made in VTAM and IOAGATE to support parallel sessions.

To enable parallel session support:

  1. Verify independent logical unit support by verifying that the SNA connection supports XID format 3, and that the node VTAM PU definition includes the XID=YES configuration.

    Note:The SNA server physical unit (PU) connection must support PU 2.1.

    To verify the XID type used by the SNA connection:

    Open Microsoft SNA Server Manager.

    1. Double-click the Connections tree node.
    2. Right-click the connection used for the independent LU session and select Properties from the popup menu.

    Note: SWPU30 is used as an example connection name.

    The Connection Properties dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 50 Connection properties – General tab

    1. Click the System Identification tab.

    Figure 51 Connection properties - System Identification tab


    In the XID Type field, select Format 3 and click OK.

    For more information on defining a PU that supports an independent logical unit, see the Microsoft SNA Server Administration Guide.

  2. Add a new LU called LUPRL to the SNA server node VTAM member and set LOCADDR to 0 to configure the logical unit as independent.


    SWPU30   PU    ADDR=01,





    LUPRL     LU    LOCADDR=0

  3. Use INACT and ACT commands to initiate the new LU definition.
  4. In SYS1.VTAMLST, create a new application Major Node for IOAGATE with parallel session support, or add the following definitions, which appear in the ECAMAPPL member in the SAMPLE library, to an existing member:



          DSESLIM=256,/* Max concurrent logged on users */




    Note: Do not specify DLOGMODE or MODETAB.

    The logical unit (LU) name PODLUP can be changed if you alter all references to it.

  5. Activate the application major node. For an existing application major node, recycle the node using INACT and ACT commands.

    Note: When a new logical unit is defined, the DSESLIM takes effect immediately. When adding DSESLIM to an existing LU (and performing INACT and ACT), DSESLIM does not take effect immediately.

    The following CNOS command can be used to set the parallel session limits to take effect immediately:


    where PODLUP is the name of the remote LU and LUPRL is the name of the local LU.

  6. Specify the LU name to IOAGATE. Set the APPLID parameter to PODLUP in the ECAPARM member under the SNA multi-connection used for this connection.

Parent Topic

IOAGATE configuration