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Channel sharing

A channel consists of the following components:

A set of communication subtasks inside IOAGATE that interface with TCP/IP or VTAM according to the protocol and model

Specific applications use a specific communications model. A communications model refers to the type of connection that handles the multiple users’ requests. These connections may be either Dual Connection Channels or Multiple Connection Channels.

Dual Connection Channels (DC) are two connections that are multiplexed by the client application in order to handle a multitude of users. This model is used by Control‑M and Control‑M/Enterprise Manager. The first connection is dedicated for traffic from IOAGATE to the client application and the other connection is for traffic in the opposite direction.

Multiple Connection Channels (MC) use a single port or LU to establish all new connections, each of which then receives its own socket and/or conversation and communication traffic. Control‑D/Page On Demand, Control‑D/File Transfer Option, Control‑O, and Control‑M/JCL Verify use this type of connection.

One Multiple Connection Channel can be shared between different instances of the same application using Multiple Connection Channels with the same protocol. For example, multiple instances of Control-D/WebAccess could be configured to use the same channel.

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IOAGATE configuration