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Case 5


The Renaming tool fails due to a shortage of available free disk space on the target system. The following error message is issued:

IOAI22E Failed to process data set DsName

If the failure was caused by a job, then the following information messages are issued after the IOAI22E message:

IOAI23I RC=JobRc Routine

IOAI23I The job JobName(JobId) failed


The Renaming tool allocates and formats a number of repository data sets of the INCONTROL products on the target system.

Some jobs that allocate new data sets on a target system can fail because a shortage of available free disk space.


To correct the problem:

  1. Analyze the output of the Renaming tool to ensure that the failure was caused by a shortage of available free disk space.
  2. Estimate the amount of the free disk space required by analyzing the size of the data sets of the base environment. (The Renaming tool allocates data sets using the size definitions of the base environment.)
  3. Free the required amount of disk space on the target system.
  4. Delete all the cloned data sets from the target environment.
  5. Invoke the Cloning process again from one of the following steps, depending on the selected cloning type; “Create LOCAL target environment” or “Create REMOTE target environment”.

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