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Step 2.1 – Control-M/Analyzer Operational Parameters

Table 132 Operational parameters




The start time of the work day at your site. Format:




  • Mandatory
  • Default: +1200.

For more information, see the description of date definitions and date fields in the introduction chapter of the Control‑M/Analyzer User Guide.


Number of buffer pages to create for the purpose of forward and backward reference when scanning a sequential data set, CDAM file, sysout, and so on, while processing WHEN and DO EXTRACT statements. Specify an odd number.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: 007, meaning 3 pages back and 3 pages forward from the current page.


Whether a rule must automatically create a data item (database variable) in the Control‑M/Analyzer database while executing a Control‑M/Analyzer rule.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – If a data item (variable) did not exist before a rule execution, it is automatically created during rule execution and committed in the Control‑M/Analyzer database. The data item is created even if a DO COMMIT statement is not specified within the rule. Default.
  • N – If rule attempts to set a nonexistent data item (database variable) in the Control‑M/Analyzer database using a DO COMMIT statement, a runtime error results.


If the VARCRET parameter is set to Y, specify the default number of generations with which the variable is automatically created.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: 0005.


The default result with which a Control‑M/Analyzer rule ends if no DO TERMINATE statement was specified.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • OK – Indicates that the result is valid. Default.
  • NOTOK – Indicates that the result is not valid.
  • TOLER – Indicates that the result is not valid, but within tolerance limits.


Default code with which a Control‑M/Analyzer rule ends if no DO TERMINATE statement was specified.

  • Mandatory
  • Valid values: 0000 through 4000.
  • Default: 0000.


If Control‑M/Analyzer is installed at a site where Control‑M is also installed, Control‑M/Analyzer rules can be invoked by Control‑M through a DO CTBRULE statement.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑M can invoke Control‑M/Analyzer rules. Default.
  • N – Control‑M cannot invoke Control‑M/Analyzer rules.


If Control‑M/Analyzer is installed at a site where Control‑D is also installed, Control‑M/Analyzer rules can be invoked by Control‑D through a DO CTBRULE statement.Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Control‑D can invoke Control‑M/Analyzer rules. Default.
  • N – Control‑D cannot invoke Control‑M/Analyzer rules.


Specifies the default decimal point character and thousands separator for system variable SYSDECCHAR and the Control‑M/Analyzer Dynamic Print facility.

  • Mandatory

Valid values:

  • DOT – Use a period to indicate the decimal point and a comma as the thousands separator. Default.
  • COMMA – Use a comma to indicate the decimal point and a dot as the thousands separator.

For more information, see the Control‑M/Analyzer User Guide.


Name of the first step added by Control‑M to the submitted job stream.

  • Default: CTBFIRST.


Name of the last step added by Control‑M to the submitted job stream.

  • Default: CTBLAST.

Parent Topic

Step 2 – Specify Control-M/Analyzer parameters