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Control-M/Tape installation sheet

A. Number of removable volumes at the site

A. Number of removable volumes at the site

The number of removable volumes to be defined in the Control‑M/Tape Media Database.

B. Average number of data sets per volume

B. Average number of data sets per volume

The average number of data sets to be recorded in the Media Database for each volume.

C. Average number of volume mounts per day

C. Average number of volume mounts per day

The average number of volume mounts to be issued each day in all the systems that share the Control‑M/Tape Media Database.

D. Number of datasets processed by Control-M/Tape per day

D. Number of datasets processed by Control-M/Tape per day

The total number of datasets processed daily by Control-M/Tape.

E. Number of volumes scratched per day

E. Number of volumes scratched per day

The number of volumes to be scratched daily.

F. Number of volumes changing location per day

F. Number of volumes changing location per day

The number of volumes to be sent to the vault daily.

G. Number of days to retain trace information

G. Number of days to retain trace information

The number of days to retain trace information before rewriting the wrap-around trace file.

H. Control‑M/Tape SVC

____ Static      ____ Dynamic

SVC number ________

H. Control‑M/Tape SVC

Control‑M/Tape uses one type 4 SVC to perform all its real‑time processing. You can install Control‑M/Tape SVC dynamically or statically.

To determine the Control‑M/Tape SVC number, see the SVCNUM parameter in minor step 2.1 "Specify Installation Parameters."

For details about installing Control‑M/Tape SVC, see major step 6, "Control‑M/Tape SVC Installation." You may need to IPL to activate the Control‑M/Tape SVC.


I. Control‑M/Tape Operating system interfaces

____ Static      ____ Dynamic

I. Control‑M/Tape Operating system interfaces

Control‑M/Tape uses operating system interfaces to gain control at certain points during data management processing. You can define these interfaces dynamically or statically.

For details about installing the Control‑M/Tape operating system interfaces, see major step 7 "Control‑M/Tape Operating System Interfaces." You may need to IPL to activate the Control‑M/Tape operating system interfaces.

J. Share Control‑M/Tape database

____ Yes        ____ No

J. Share Control‑M/Tape database

If two or more systems will share the Control‑M/Tape Media Database, see minor step 11.4 "Multiple CPUs Considerations."

K. Data set name (DSN) prefix, volume, and unit


Library Type  DSN Prefix    Volume        Unit  

Installation   ILPREFT ___ ILVOLT ___ ILUNITT

Operations   OLPREFT ___ OLVOLT __ OLUNITT


Media data   DBPREFT _____     ______

Media index  Same as DBPREFT ___  ___

Stacking data  Same as DBPREFT __  ___

Stacking index  Same as DBPREFT ___  ___

Database data   Same as DBPREFT DBVOLT __ DBUNITT__


Trace file   Same as DBPREFT TRCVOL ___ TRCUNIT__

K. Data set name (DSN) prefix, volume, and unit

Step 4.4 "Install Control‑M/Tape Libraries" allocates all library prefixes. After prefixes are allocated, you can modify them as soon as the previous data sets are deleted and libraries are restored.

Examples of data set prefixes:

  • CTT.V9000I for Control‑M/Tape Installation libraries.
  • CTT.V9000O for Control‑M/Tape Operations libraries.
  • CTT.V9000D for Control‑M/Tape Database.

Major step 5 "Customization Process" allocates the database files and the trace file

L. Type of access to Control‑M/Tape data sets

     Category 5 users do not require authorization if no Control‑M/Tape exits are used to deny access.

Library Type     Access Type         User Category

Installation       Read              2,3,4

Installation       Update                1

Operations       Read                   4

Operations       Update                1,2,3

Database         Read                   3

Database         Update                1,2,4


  1. 1 Users who install and customize Control‑M/Tape, and determine implementation and policy issues.
  2. 2 Users who create and update definitions of Control‑M/Tape entities, such as rules and pools.
  3. 3 Users who inquire information from the Control‑M/Tape media database.
  4. 4 Users with special user IDs, such as long running started tasks, or specific system jobs, such as External Data Manager started tasks.
  5. 5 Users who submit tape jobs.

L. Type of access to Control‑M/Tape data sets

This item specifies the Control‑M/Tape data set access requirements.

Parent Topic

Customized installation