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Step 3.3 – MVS procedures and configuration

Table 99 MVS Procedures and Configuration Parameters




First three characters of the Control‑O JCL procedures after they are copied to the local MVS procedure library.

The value specified for this parameter must be different than the value specified for the PROCPRFx installation parameter for IOA and other INCONTROL products.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: CTO

Notes: Certain Control‑O procedures must be activated before JES is up. These procedures should be copied to the SYS1.PROCLIB library.

The STEPLIB DD statement is mandatory.


For JES3 sites. JES3 command characters in use at the site.

  • Mandatory for JES3 sites, if DEALIAS was set to Y.

The command characters should be specified as a string beginning with an asterisk (*) followed by the characters specified for the SYN parameter of the CONSTD statement in the JES3 initialization deck. No separators, such as commas, slashes, or similar entities, should appear between the command characters.

Parent Topic

Step 3 – Specify target configuration parameters