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Step 6.1 – IOA archive server parameters

Table 88 IOA archive server parameters




Maximum number of concurrent users who can view or print reports from the Migrated User file.

  • Mandatory
  • Default: 100.


Maximum number of blocks the IOA Archive Server reads from external storage media for viewing and printing requests. The cache size is:


Cached data resides above the 16 MB line.

Set this value according to the average amount of data accessed for viewing and printing requests and the number of concurrent users. The cache should be sufficient to ensure good performance for the estimated number of concurrent users.

For example, if the system usually has many concurrent users, but most file accesses are accomplished through an index and few pages are viewed each time, the CACHESZ value can be low.

  • Mandatory
  • Minimum number of blocks: 5
  • Recommended size for mixed types of access by many users: 20


IOA Archive Server Sleeping interval. The server is dormant most of the time. It "wakes up" after the specified interval and determines which tasks it must perform.

INTERVLV can be set to smaller numbers, depending on the computer model. For faster models, specify a smaller value.

The interval should be set to a minimum, in accordance with the following figures:

  • 10 seconds – For machines with less than 20 MIPS
  • 5‑6 seconds – For machines with 20‑50 MIPS
  • 4 seconds – For machines with over 50 MIPS

A shorter interval may unnecessarily increase system overhead.

The format for INTERVLV is HHMMSSth, where:

  • HH is two digits, representing hours. Valid values are: 00 through 24.
  • MM is two digits, representing minutes. Valid values are: 00 through 59.
  • SS is two digits, representing seconds. Valid values are: 00 through 59.
  • th is two digits, representing hundredths of seconds. Valid values are: 00 through 99.

Leading zeros may be omitted (for example, three seconds, 00000300, may be specified as 300).

  • Mandatory
  • Minimum value:300 (3 seconds)
  • Default value: 600 (6 seconds).

The value for INTERVLV can also be modified using an operator command. For more information, see the Control‑D and Control‑V chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Termination time of the migration process (if still active at the specified time), represented by four digits.

Default: 1200

Valid values are:

  • Time in the format HHMM, where:

    - HH is two digits, representing hours. Valid values are: 00 through 23.

    - MM is two digits, representing minutes. Valid values are: 00 through 59.

  • Empty

The MIGENDTM parameter specifies when to stop the current migrated job. After this time, the migration job does not migrate the next CDAM data set. Any remaining unmigrated CDAM data sets are handled by the next appropriate migration mission.

This parameter should be specified to accommodate the online work load at the site. Most sites schedule the migration process to run at night when the online work load is light. If for some reason the migration process does not finish on time, it may interfere with online work. Therefore, BMC Software recommends that you set the MIGENDTM parameter to a time that precedes the heavy daytime online work load.

If you do not need this feature and do not want to set an end time for migration, you can leave this parameter blank.


Wether to generate statistical data about Control‑V usage. Some Control‑D reports depend on the availability of this statistical data.

Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Produce statistics and store them in the IOA Log file.
  • N (No) – Do not produce statistics. Default.


SMF records to be generated for accounting purposes.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • NO – Do not generate SMF records. Default.
  • nnn – Generate SMF records, where nnn is the SMF record number. Valid range: 128‑255.

Control‑V can generate SMF records containing the number of lines and pages printed for each user, report or job. This permits accounting based on usage by end users, as opposed to standard accounting by job name. SMF record data can be controlled by User Exit CTVX002.

Parent Topic

Step 6 – Customization process