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The JES3 Exit IATUX30 must allow the Control‑M monitor to issue subsystem requests. JES3 has a special security exit for controlling subsystem requests. The exit controls the following types of subsystem requests:

If JES3 Exit IATUX30 is used to check and prevent subsystem requests by unauthorized users, it must be modified to allow the Control‑M monitor to issue subsystem requests for all the jobs. The recommended method is to place a check at the beginning of the exit for the started task name of the Control‑M monitor, and to bypass all the special checks in the exit when the request originates from the monitor.

Note: Verify that Exit IATUX30 is set up correctly in all computers in the complex where the Control‑M monitor may run.

TSO Exit IKJEFF53 is mentioned several times in conjunction with Exit IATUX30. Exit IKJEFF53 does not have control over Control‑M because Control‑M does not make use of the TSO OUTPUT, TSO STATUS or TSO CANCEL commands.

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Step 8.2 – JES3 considerations (optional)