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Step 7.8 – Update SCHEDnn member in SYS1.PARMLIB

This step must be performed if CMEM is to be installed at your site.

Add the SCHED00 sample member from the INSTCTO library to the SCHEDnn member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library. To protect CMEM control blocks, the PPT entries listed below must be added to the SCHEDnn member, where nn is the number specified in the IEASYSnn member in the SYS1 PARMLIB library, or defaults to 00 if not specified in IEASYS:


To activate the new PPT definitions without performing an IPL, issue the following command:

T SCH=(nn,L)

where nn is the suffix of member SCHEDnn.

Parent Topic

Step 7 – Install Event Manager (CMEM)/Control-O interface