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Step 6 – Install Control-M ISPF support (optional)

Follow the steps below to install Control‑M ISPF support.

  1. Enable the Quick Submit Function

    Control‑M supports a "quick submit" function that enables the user to optionally submit jobs through Control‑M to the MVS spool. For a detailed description, see the Control‑M for z/OS User Guide.

    Each user who replaces the TSO/ISPF SUBMIT command with the quick submit option should perform the following:

    Edit any one member and specify CTMSETSB in the command line. Subsequently, when you specify the SUB or SUBMIT command, the new function becomes active.


  2. Verify that CTMPSIMS is in an ISPF Skeleton library

    Verify that the CTMPSIMS member was copied from the Control‑M JCL library to an ISPF Skeleton library.

  3. Copy IOA ISPF messages to an ISPF Message library

    Verify that the IOA ISPF messages were copied or concatenated to an ISPF Message library.

  4. Copy IOA ISPF panels to an ISPF panel library

    Verify that the IOA ISPF panels were copied or concatenated to an ISPF panel library.

  5. Copy IOA CLISTs to an ISPF CLIST library

    Verify that the IOA ISPF CLISTs were copied or concatenated to an ISPF CLIST library.

    Note: Refer to INCONTROL product data sets to determine the specific type of IOA ISPF libraries that must be copied or concatenated.

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Installation steps