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Step 21.6 – Minimum security authorizations
  1. Control‑M Application Server can be installed without setting up special security requirements, except as noted below for RACF, CA-ACF2 and CA-TOP SECRET.

    If you are using RACF, ACF2 or TOP SECRET, define the started task Control‑M/EM as a valid started task under the relevant security system.

  2. All Control‑M functions that the user specifies by Control‑M Application Server are performed in Control‑M by Control‑M Application Server

    To enable Control‑M Application Server to perform these functions as required, provide Control‑M Application Server with READ and UPDATE authority for all data sets for which the Control‑M monitor is authorized.

  3. When authorized, users of Control‑M Application Server have the option of performing the Edit JCL function. This function is executed by Control‑M Application Server. Accordingly, Control‑M Application Server should have UPDATE authority for all JCL libraries for which any Control‑M Application Server user has EDIT authority.
  4. Control‑M Application Server performs actions on jobs that are contained in the Active Jobs file and that are displayed in the Active Environment screen (Screen 3). The CTMSE08 Control‑M security module verifies a user’s authorization to perform actions on these jobs.

    If security for Control‑M is enabled, you must authorize Control‑M Application Server to perform all operations in Control‑M Screen 3.

    For more information about the CTMSE08 module, see the Control‑M chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Security Guide.

  5. The following special users must be authorized.

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Step 21 – Install Control-M Application Server