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Step 20.3 – Set up IOAGATE procedure(s)

A default IOAGATE procedure is provided in the PROCJCL library. This IOAGATE procedure is configured to use the ECAPARM member in the IOA.PARM library. This ECAPARM member does not exist until it is built with a blank suffix. The ECAPARM member that is to be loaded and used by an individual IOAGATE is identified by the value x specified in PSFX=x in the procedure used for IOAGATE startup.

For example, the expression PSFX= (with no value), is associated with the ECAPARM member and the expression PSFX=X is associated with the ECAPARMX member.

If more than one IOAGATE will be started, corresponding, unique ECAPARM members must be created, each differentiated by a unique 1‑character suffix in the member name. An individual procedure must be created for each IOAGATE, by duplicating and renaming the provided default procedure. Each procedure must specify its corresponding ECAPARMn suffix in the PSFX parameter.

After you have set up the IOAGATE procedures, mark this step complete.

Parent Topic

Step 20 – Install IOAGATE (optional)