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Step 11.1 – IOA LOAD library

Add the IOA LOAD, IOA LOADE and CTRANS libraries to the authorized Libraries list. To permanently define them as authorized, edit the IEAAPFxx member or the PROGxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB (where xx is the number specified in the IEASYSxx member in SYS1.PARMLIB).

Add the IOA LOAD, the IOA LOADE, and CTRANS libraries and their volumes to the list. The libraries will be authorized after the next IPL.

Dynamically add the APF libraries using the following MVS commands:

SETPROG APF,ADD,DSN=IOA steplib library,VOLUME=volume



If you have a product that can dynamically add libraries to the authorized Libraries list, such as RESOLVE, you can add a library to the list online and not wait for an IPL. However, the library remains authorized only until the next IPL.

Parent Topic

Step 11 – Adjustments