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Step 8 – Install ISPF support (optional)

Perform this step if you want to install the IOA ISPF interface support.

To prepare a new IOA Main Menu for ISPF, perform the following actions:

  1. Go to the IOA.*.CLIST library.
  2. Create a new member in a site library (outside of the IOA.*.CLIST library) and copy the contents of the IOASTART member into it.
  3. In the new member, replace ILPREFA() with ILPREFA( current.ILPREFA).
  4. Save the new member, and exit from it.
  5. Execute the new member.

After completing these actions, mark this step as complete.

After installing ISPF support, perform the following actions:

After installing all the required products, you will find that there are only two ISPF skeletons shipped:

Depending on the product installed, concatenate its JCL library to the ISPSLIB DD statement.

Note: The PF12 key is assigned to the RETRIEVE command. Pressing this key retrieves a sequence of commands and options entered by the user during the current session. These commands and options are displayed in reverse order on the command line of the current screen.

If a previous IOA version is installed, the CTMPROF and CTMUPROF members were copied as part of the last IOA installation procedure. Since these members have not changed, only new IOA users need to copy these members.

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Installation steps