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Source parameters

All parameter members are supplied in source format. The parameter members are built and placed in the IOA.PARM library by ICE and have the following structure.

All installation parameters for which no explicit default values are mentioned are mandatory and must be supplied during the ICE definition process.

Note: The ICE parameter repository is based on the source parameter members; that is, if a parameter member is modified directly, the changes are applied to the ICE tables. Because verification checks are performed on the ICE table, you should make all parameter changes using ICE.

BLK1   BLK1_PARM1=xxx,



BLK2   BLK2_PARM1=xxx,




The parameter members must follow these rules:

  1. A source parameter member is divided into blocks. Each block begins at position one (for example, BLK1).

    This step must be performed if CMEM is to be installed at your site. Add the SCHED00 sample member from the INSTCTO library to the SCHEDnn member in the SYS1.PARMLIB library. To protect CMEM control blocks, the PPT entries listed below must be added to the SCHEDnn member, where nn is the number specified in the IEASYSnn member in the SYS1 PARMLIB library, or defaults to 00 if not specified in IEASYS.

    To activate the new PPT definitions without performing an IPL, issue the following command:

    T SCH=(nn,L)

    where nn is the suffix of member SCHEDnn

  2. Each block has its own unique parameter. The parameter names are unique and there are no duplicate names in the source parameter member.
  3. At least one blank space is required before the parameter name.
  4. The comma (',') character is a continuation character that is used when a block spans more than one line.
  5. The block ends after the parameter with a value that does not contain the comma (",") character.
  6. A Comment line starts with an asterisk ('*') at position one.

    Note: BMC recommends you use ICE to update the source parameters to maintain the integrity of the parameter members.

Parent Topic

Infrastructure activities performed by ICE