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Major steps

Once the environment is selected, you can begin IOA installation. IOA must be installed before any INCONTROL product can be installed.

Select option 1, INSTALL IOA, from the Main Menu. The Major Steps Selection screen is displayed:

Figure 9 Major Steps Selection screen

 ---------------------------- Major Steps Selection --------------------------- 

 COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  

 Environment: DOC900D   Product: IOA                                            

 Sel values: S Select step     C Mark step as completed    R Reset status       

             B Browse Step     X Mark step as excluded     ? Help               

 PF7/PF8  To scroll through all Steps                                           


       Sel Step Status      Opt Description                                     

       === ==== ======      === ===========                                     

        .    1                  Planning                                        

        .    2                  Parameters for File Allocation                  

        .    3                  Load IOA Libraries                              

        .    4                  Specify IOA Parameters                          

        .    5                  Specify Target Configuration Parameters         

        .    6                  Customization Process                           

        .    7                  Set Global Variables Database                   

        .    8              Y   Install ISPF Support                            

        .    9                  Install IOA Subsystem                           

        .   10              Y   Install IOA Online Monitor                      

        .   11                  Adjustments                                     

        .   12              Y   IOA Customization                               

All major steps for IOA installation are displayed in the Major Steps Selection screen. Optional steps are indicated by the value Y in the Optional (Opt) column.

Steps that contain the letter R in the Opt column must be performed once. Afterwards, they become optional steps. Once this type of step is performed, the value in the Opt column changes from R to Y. This indicates that the step is no longer mandatory.

The Status column in this screen indicates whether a step was previously selected (indicated by an asterisk sign), completed (indicated by COMPLETE), or excluded (indicated by an X).

The following actions can be applied to major and minor steps:

Table 4 Actions for major and minor steps




Selects the step and displays the associated list of minor steps. If you return to the Major Steps Selection screen, an asterisk in the Status column indicates that this step has been previously selected. If all the associated minor steps are marked complete, the major step status changes to complete.


Marks the step complete in the Status column. When a step is successfully completed, mark the step complete. If the step is a minor step, it can be marked complete, unless the step being performed is a Process step, which is automatically marked complete when the process ends successfully.


Displays the list of associated minor steps in ISPF browse mode.


Resets the status of one or more steps. Specify "R" to mark any step that is to be reset.


Indicates that a step should be excluded from the installation procedure. This option is valid only for optional steps. Excluded steps are handled as complete steps whenever the "Enforce Step Order" feature is applied.


Displays online help for the selected step.

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Navigating within ICE