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When you enter ICE, the INCONTROL Installation Options screen is displayed, as shown in Installing with ICE.

  1. If you currently have more than one environment managed by ICE, make sure that the environment that you want to use as a target for the installation process is selected as the current one. To do this:
    1. Select Installation.
    2. Select Environment Details.
    3. Select the environment, by entering S (Select Environment for Processing) next to the environment in the list.

      If you want to examine the values of an environment, enter B (Browse Environment Details) next to the environment and view the details in the IOA Installation - Environment definition screen, as follows:

    Figure 5 IOA Installation – Environment definition screen, with values

-------------- IOA Installation - Environment definition --------------(DI.1.0)

COMMAND ===>                                                                   



 Environment Name ==> R900XX         Will be used also as the IOA QNAME        

 Description      ==>                                                          


Installation Libraries                                                         

 Prefix (ILPREFA) ==> IOAE.R900                                                

 Unit             ==> 3390                                                     

 Vol ser          ==> IOAZ06                                                   

 SMS Classes:     Data:          Management:          Storage:                 


LOAD library DSNAME        ==> IOAE.R90XXX.LOAD                                

Reference Libraries Prefix ==> IOAE.R900PRD                                    

Insert reference into current values ==> N        (Y or N)                     


Product Status  IOA: I      CTB:       CTD:        CTM: I      CTO:            

                CTR: I      CTV:       CTT:                                    

If you are planning to clone the installed environment in the future, it is important that you understand the requirements and limitations of the cloning process before you begin the installation process. For more information, see Limitations .

The following table describes the environment values to define on the IOA Installation — Environment definition screen.

Table 1 Environment values in the Environment definition screen




Name of the environment, for example, TEST1, PROD9.

Valid values: A string of alphanumeric characters and special characters ($, #, and @). Must begin with a letter.

Maximum length: 8 characters.


Free text description of the environment.

Maximum length: 35 characters.

Prefix (ILPREFA)

High level qualifiers (prefix) of the environment‑specific installation libraries. For example, for the IOA.TEST1.INSTALL installation library, specify IOA.TEST1.

Maximum length: 35 characters

The value specified for this parameter must be different from the values specified for ILPREFx parameters of other products.


Disk unit on which the environment‑specific libraries are allocated. Specify a generic unit, such as 3390.

Note: You must either define both the Unit and Volser fields, or leave both of them blank. Do not enter a value for only one of them.

Vol ser (ILVOLA)

Volume serial number on which the environment‑specific libraries are to be allocated.

Note: You must either define both the Unit and Volser fields, or leave both of them blank. Do not enter a value for only one of them.

SMS Classes

One of following classes:

  • Data
  • Management
  • Storage


The data set name of the IOA LOAD library loaded from the installation media.

Reference Libraries Prefix

High level data set name qualifiers (prefix) of the installation libraries to be used as reference libraries.

Insert reference into current values

One of following values:

  • Y - get reference values and insert into current values
  • N - get reference values but do not insert into current values

Product Status

This field indicates if the IOA installation or INCONTROL product installation is complete.

  1. Select Customized installation in the IOA Installation window, as follows:

    Figure 6 IOA Installation window

 --------------------- INCONTROL Installation Options ---------------------(0.0)

 COMMAND ===>                                                                   


                        IIIIII      CCCCCCCCC    EEEEEEEEE                      


        | --------------------- IOA Installation -------------------- |         

        |                                                             |         

        |         Please choose the required installation type        |         

        |                                                             |         

        | _ Express installation                                      |         

        |                                                             |         

      - | S Customized installation                                   | ----    

      B |                                                             |         

      - | _ Environment Details                                       | ----    

        |                                                             |         

    Log | PF3: Return to previous screen                              |         

        |                                                             |         

 S  - I | COMMAND ===>                                                | d)      

 _  - C +-------------------------------------------------------------+         

 _  - Uninstallation                  Removes IOA and INCONTROL products        

 _  - Maintain your Environment       Maintenance, ad hoc fixes & ICE refresh   

 _  - Clone, Deploy IOA Environment   Clone new IOA environment or deploy changes

 _  - Express Upgrade                 Upgrade using original DB and OPR libraries

 _  - Exit                            EXIT, Leave the Installation Process      

The IOA Installation – Main Menu screen is displayed in the following format:

Figure 7 IOA Customized Installation - Main Menu screen

 ------------------- IOA Customized Installation - Main Menu ------------------ 

 OPTION  ===>                                                                   


 Environment ID:  DOC900D                                                       

 Product ID ===>  IOA        Enforce Step Order ===> NO  (Yes/No)               


    Reference Libraries Prefix: IOAP.V900                                       


  1  INSTALL IOA  - Install and Customize IOA                                   

  2  INSTALL CTx  - Install and Customize an INCONTROL Product                  

  X  EXIT         - Leave the Installation Process                              


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Performing tasks common to all product installations