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Express installation sheet

A. Identity installation environments  

____  Test    ____ Production

Environment Name_______________________

A. Identity installation environments

The general overall ICE installation workflow is as follows:

  1. 1 Defining and creating the IOA environment
  2. 2 Expanding the files from the installation media
  3. 3 Installing the IOA infrastructure
  4. 4 Installing each Control-X product

The first step in the installation procedure defines the IOA environment to be installed and identifies it as a test or production installation.

For details, see Performing tasks common to all product installations, especially Figure 5 “IOA Installation – Environment definition screen”, with values and Table 1 “Environment values in the Environment definition screen”.

An environment name may contain a maximum of 8 characters. It will be used also as the IOA QNAME.

B. IOA LOAD library

Data set name (DSNAME, such as IOA.PROD.LOAD):



B. IOA LOAD library

Specify the data set name for the IOA LOAD library (for example, IOA.PROD.LOAD). Use the LOAD library as a STEPLIB in the JCL procedures, or incorporate it into the MVS LINKLIST.



B. IOA LOAD library (continued)

Before deciding whether to use the library as a STEPLIB or in the LINKLIST, review the general considerations and the site standards for program product LOAD libraries. Then consider the following:


  • All IOA JCL procedures include member IOAENV to provide a STEPLIB DD statement that points to the IOA LOAD library.
  • STEPLIB may be used to distinguish between executions in different IOA environments (such as test and production environments) within the same MVS system.
  • You can catalog the library in the master catalog or in a user catalog. This selection affects the name you choose for the IOA LOAD library.
  • If any jobs execute IOA product programs without supplied JCL procedures, you must add the STEPLIB DD statement to the jobs and maintain it as required.

Note: STEPLIB is the recommended way to access the IOA LOAD library.


  • Remove the STEPLIB DD statement from the IOAENV member in the IOA PROCLIB library.
    Note: Before removing the STEPLIB DD statement, test with the library as a STEPLIB.
  • If each active MVS system runs jobs only for a single environment (either for a test or for a production environment), jobs use the program library associated with the environment within which they run.
  • The library must be cataloged in the master catalog.
  • Adding a library to the LINKLIST, or extending such a library, might require an IPL.

Note: The IOASINIT, CTOTROLO, CTMCMEM, and CTTINIT JCL procedures must each contain a STEPLIB DD statement that points to the IOA LOAD library, even if LINKLIST is used.

C. Reference Libraries Prefix


C. Reference Libraries Prefix

Prefix for high level data set name qualifiers (prefix) of the installation libraries to be used as reference libraries.

D. Allocation attributes:

Unit:________                 Vol Ser:________

SMS Classes:



D. Allocation attributes:

Specify the allocation attributes at the environment definition screen.

These specifications will be used for all the selected products and for all libraries' categories.

You can modify these paramaters at the allocation screen.

Note: Product Control-O obligates unit and volser for operational libraries.

E. Products to be installed and capacities.

  • Product Name      Y/N        Capacity    

=========         ==         =====

Control-M           (Y/N)         (S/M/L/X/R)

Control-M/JCL Verify  (Y/N)

Control-M/Restart    (Y/N)

Control-M/Analyzer   (Y/N)         (S/M/L/X/R)

Control-M/Tape      (Y/N)         (S/M/L/X/R)

Control-D           (Y/N)         (S/M/L/X/R)

Control-V           (Y/N)

Control-O           (Y/N)         (S/M/L/X/R)

E. Products to be installed and capacities.

Select the INCONTROL products to be installed and each product's capacity

Use the following capacity indicators:

  • S = Small IOA installation
  • M = Medium IOA installation
  • L = Large IOA installation
  • X = eXtra large IOA installation
  • R = Insert from reference (only available if the "Reference Libraries Prefix" option was specified when creating an IOA environment).

Note: Default capacity is M. However, if a product is not to be installed, the capacity setting is ignored.

Select the INCONTROL products from Table 1 to be installed at your site with a Y in the Y/N column in the Products and Sizes screen (default is N).

For each selected product (indicated with a Y), specify the installation capacity size. Default is M.


E. Products to be installed and capacities (continued).


  • Small = 10,000 jobs
  • Medium = 30,000 jobs
  • Large = 50,000 jobs
  • eXtra large = 100,000 jobs



  • Small = 20 rules invocations/day
  • Medium = 50 rules invocations/day
  • Large = 100 rules invocations/day
  • eXtra large = 1000 rules invocations/day


  • Small = retained for 1 day
  • Medium = retained for 3 days
  • Large = retained for 5 days
  • eXtra large = retained for 7 days


  • Small = 5 groups
  • Medium = 10 groups
  • Large = 20 groups
  • eXtra large = 50 groups


  • Small = 1 model for each group
  • Medium = 5 models for each group
  • Large = 50 models for each group
  • eXtra large = 100 models for each group


  • Small = 3 generations for each model variable
  • Medium = 10 generations for each model variable
  • Large = 100 generations for each model variable
  • eXtra large = 200 gen. for each model variable

E. Products to be installed and capacities. (continued)


  • Small = 50,000 volumes
  • Medium = 250,000 volumes
  • Large = 1,000,000 volumes

eXtra large = 5,000,000 volumes



  • Small = 1,000 missions
  • Medium = 5,000 missions
  • Large = 10,000 missions
  • eXtra large = 50,000 missions


  • Small = 10,000 reports
  • Medium = 100,000 reports
  • Large = 500,000 reports
  • eXtra large = 1,000,000 reports


  • Small = 50,000 active archives
  • Medium = 300,000 active archives
  • Large = 2,000,000 active archives
  • eXtra large = 10,000,000 active archives


  • Small = 1,000 rules
  • Medium = 10,000 rules
  • Large = 20,000 rules
  • eXtra large = 25,000 rules

F. Data set configuration

High-level qualifier prefix:


Select the file naming format: ____  (HPC/HCP)









Specify EAV ability: ______   NO  (OPT/NO/Empty)

F. Data set configuration

Specify a naming convention that will apply to all the allocated data sets, by doing the following:

Specify the high-level qualifier (header) prefix. The default is the installation prefix from the environment creation panel.

Select the file-naming format from the two options: HPC or HCP


  • H=Header, P=Product, C=Category
  • Product = CTM, CTD, CTO, CTT, CTV, CTR, or CTB.
  • Category = OPR, SMP, MNT, or DB.

Default value which will be set to the following EAVUSE parameters allowing allocation of some data sets on EAV (Extended Address Volumes):

  • EAVUSE#A - Allows allocation of Control-D Report Decollating Definitions library and Control-M Scheduling Tables library on EAV
  • EAVUSE#D - Allows allocation of Control-D / Control V files on EAV
  • EAVUSE#R - Allows allocation of Control-R CDAM files on EAV
  • TEAVUSE - Allows allocation of Control-T Media database and Stacking Database files (IOA Access method) on EAV

Note: Only use the OPT value for the allocation of the installation data sets that are listed above. Use of the OPT value for other data sets is not supported and might lead to unpredictable results.

G. ISPF libraries prefix of the O.S.:


G. ISPF libraries prefix of the O.S.:

ISPF product library prefix.

Default: ISP.                                          

H. ISPF language suffix of the O.S.:


H. ISPF language suffix of the O.S.:

Specify ISPF language suffix of the O.S. from the following list:

  • ENU for US English (default)
  • DES for Swiss German
  • DEU for German
  • JPN for Japanese
  • ENP for Uppercase English

I. Products (according to previous selection)


Number of conditions records per day __________

Num. of recs/day in manual cond. file __________

First 3 characters of IOA JCL procedures_________

QNAME for ENQ requests_____________________

IOA Subsystem name________________________


Install Control-M Configuration Manager_____ (Y/N)
Port number ________

Install Control-M/Enterprise Manager_____ (Y/N)
Port number ________

First 3 characters of CTM JCL procedures_______


Prefix archived sysout    _____________________

First 3 characters of Control-M\Restart JCL procedures ___________


First 3 characters of Control-M\Analyzer JCL procedures ___________


QNAME for Control-M/Tape ENQ requests _________

Control-M/Tape global operation mode ___________

First 3 characters of Control-M/Tape JCL procedures _

CTT SVC number (200-255) __________


I. Products (according to previous selection) (continued)


Install Control-D/FTO/AS ____ (Y/N)

Port number ________

Install Control-D/AS ___ (Y/N)

Port number ________

Prefix for user created CDAM files ___________

Prefix for Control-D monitor CDAM files_______

Prefix of JOBSDSN1 files___________________

First 3 characters of Control-D JCL procedures___


High level qualifier for index files ___________

First 3 characters of Control-V JCL procedures___


QNAME for Control-O ENQ requests____________

First 3 characters of Control-O JCL procedures____


J. Job cards data:

JOBNAME: __________

JOBCARD: ____________________________



J. Job cards data:

JOBNAME: Job name prefix, from 1 through 8 characters, to be used for jobs submitted during the IOA installation process.

JOBPOS: Fixed position of the JOB keyword in the JOB card statement, to be used for all jobs submitted during the IOA installation. Set a value that ensures that the three elements in the job statement (controlled by JOBNAME, JOBPOS, and JOBCARD) do not overlap. For further guidelines, see Step 2.2 – Jobcard parameters.
The minimum value is 7, and the default is 12.

JOBCARD: Job statement data to be used for all jobs submitted during the IOA installation.

Maximum length: 43 characters





Resulting job statement:


JCL1: First additional JCL. Can be used as a continuation of the job statement.

If this parameter is used as a continuation, the job statement parameter must end with a comma.

Maximum length: 60 characters

Default: //*.

Note: The JCL1 and JCL2 parameters affect the installation jobs.

These parameters can be used, for example, for a multiline job statement. Do not use JCL1 or JCL2 for a JCLLIB statement, because all installation jobs already contain JCLLIB.

JCL2: Second additional JCL, used for any general purpose. Compare with JCL1, in this table.

Maximum length: 60 characters

Default: //*.

K. Started task and procedure libraries

Started tasks library (PROCLIB)

___ Use the supplied PROCJCL directly

___ Copy started tasks to site PROCLIB

       PROCLIB DSNAME: ___________________

Procedure library (SITEPROC)

___ Copy some JCL procedures to SITEPROC

SITEPROC DSNAME:________________

K. Started task and procedure libraries

Started Tasks Library (PROCLIB)

The PROCJCL library contains all the started tasks. All the members in this library are jobs. Therefore, DDNAME IEFJOBS, which is in the MSTJCLxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB, must point to the library in which these members reside.

You can define the PROCJCL library in your system as a started task library, or copy started tasks from the IOA PROCJCL library into an existing started tasks library. To specify the DSNAME of an existing started tasks library, use the PROCLIB installation parameter.

Started tasks are customized during the installation process for each environment.

Procedure Library (SITEPROC)

The PROCLIB library contains all the procedures to be used in jobs. Each job supplied already contains a JCLLIB statement to enable the job to use this library.

You can also copy a small number of selected procedures into an existing procedure library. The SITEPROC installation parameter specifies the DSNAME of an existing procedure library. If you do this, make sure that the names of new JCL procedures are different from existing ones.

L. Datasets prefixes:

Note: If your configurations are not compatible with Express installation conventions for data sets naming according to the HPC/HCP format, use the following information:


Library Type   DSN     Prefix      Value

Base                BASEPREF             ___________

Installation       ILPREFA                __________

Operational      OLPREFA               ___________

Core                DBPREFA              ___________

Log                DBPREFA              ___________

Maintenance    MLPREFA              ___________

SMP PTS MTS   SPAPREF              ___________

SMP CSI          SPCPREF              ____________

Distribution      SPDPREF              ____________

Library Type    Access Type         User Category

Base              Update                  1

Installation      Read                     2,3,4

Installation      Update                  1

Operational     Update                  1,2,4

Repository      Update                 1,2,3,4

IOA Core        Update                 1,2,3,4

Maintenance   Update                  1


  1. 1 Users who install and customize INCONTROL products, and determine implementation and policy issues
    The installer needs full access including authority to allocate, read, write, and delete data sets.
  2. 2 Users who create and update definitions of IOA entities, such as conditions and resources
  3. 3 Users of INCONTROL products
  4. 4 Users with special user IDs, such as long running started tasks, or specific system jobs
  5. (continued)


L. Datasets prefixes:


Review site practices for allocating program product libraries and data sets.

Determine which systems access each data set in the current installation and in future activities, such as changing from TEST to PRODUCTION and replicating production systems. Determine implied naming conventions and data set placement constraints.

Catalog libraries residing in LINKLIST in the Master Catalog.

Make data set names different from names in existing installations of IOA products.


Base libraries are used as a base (skeleton) for creating certain environment-specific libraries. The Installation and Customization Engine (ICE) also resides in a base library.


Installation libraries are static product libraries that contain various program elements. These elements generally change only during product installation, maintenance and customization—but not as a result of ongoing operation.


Operational libraries contain operational information such as scheduling tables in Control-M, or print mission definitions in Control-D. Most operational libraries are updated regularly by users and are referenced during automatic operation of the product.


The IOA core contains files that are used by all INCONTROL products. To improve performance, assign the log to a different volume and unit.

Note: To allocate IOA installation or operations libraries on DF/SMS managed volumes, do one of the following:

Specify a volume serial number and/or unit that will be handled by your site's ACS routines.

Leave the UNIT and VOLUME installation parameters empty. (continued)

L. Datasets prefixes (continued):

IOA (continued)


The IOA Online monitor requires:

  • UPDATE access to all IOA and INCONTROL product data sets
  • READ access to all user data sets (for example, JCL, schedule)

L. Datasets prefixes (continued):

IOA (continued)


MLPREFA - High level data set name qualifiers (prefix) of the IOA Maintenance libraries.

MLVOLA - Serial number of volume on which IOA Maintenance libraries are placed.

MLUNITA - Unit of disk on which IOA Maintenance libraries are placed.


IOA supplies the CSI, SMPPTS, MTS, STS, LTS, and SCDS SMP/E data sets. Choose other SMP data set names and organization according to your local practices.

Configure SMP CSI libraries in any of the following ways:

  • Create a new CSI exclusively for IOA use.
  • Add IOA version 9.0.xx distribution and target zones to an existing CSI data set.
  • Use a separate CSI data set for each IOA 9.0.xx zone, but define these zones in an existing global zone.

L. Datasets prefixes (continued):


Library Type     DSN   Prefix          Value           

Installation       ILPREFM               ___________

Operations       OLPREFM              ___________

Repository        DBPREFM             ___________

Statfile             ILPREFM              ___________

Library Type     Access Type         User Category

Installation       Read                    2,3,4

Installation       Full                      1

Operations       Update                 1,2,4

Operations       Read                    3

Repository        Update                 1,2,3,4


  1. 1 Control‑M installers and system administrators.
  2. 2 Users who create and update definitions of Control‑M entities.
  3. 3 Other Control‑M users.
  4. 4 Users with special user IDs, such as long running started tasks, or specific system jobs.

See additional requirements in the explanation for this item in the text at the right.

L. Datasets prefixes (continued):


Examples of DSN prefixes:

CTM. V9000I for Control-M Installation libraries.

CTM. V9000O for Control-M Operations libraries.

CTM. V9000D for Control-M Repository.

To access Control-M data sets and to use the basic facilities of Control-M, the Control-M monitor requires:

READ and UPDATE access to JES spool SYSOUT datasets.

Authority to issue operator commands.

Authority to submit jobs.

READ access to all schedule and JCL libraries.

UPDATE access to IOA and Control-M Repositories and product data sets.

If User Dailies are not owned by the IOA administrator, user categories 2,3,4 require UPDATE access to the Control-M PARM library.

The Control-M New Day procedure and jobs that issue operator commands require authority to issue these operator commands.


Library Type     DSN   Prefix          Value           

Operations       OLPREFR               ___________

Archived         AMPREFR              ___________


data sets

Library Type Access Type   User Category (see Legend)

Operations           Update                      1, 2

Archived sysout     Read                        1, 2


  1. 1 Control‑M/Restart installers and system administrators.
  2. 2 Control‑M/Restart users.


Library Type     DSN   Prefix          Value           

Installation       ILPREFB                ___________

Operations       OLPREFB               ___________

Repository        DBPREFB              ___________

Library Type     Access Type          User Category

Installation       Read                     2,3

Installation       Full                       1

Operations       Update                  1,2,3

Repository       Update                   1,2,3


  1. 1 Control‑M/Analyzer installers and system administrators.
  2. 2 Users who create and update Control‑M/Analyzer entities.
  3. 3 Control‑M/Analyzer end users.


This item specifies Control-M/Restart data set access requirements.

Examples of data set prefixes:

CTR.V9000O for Control-M/Restart Operations libraries.









Examples of data set prefixes:

  • CTB.V9000I for Control-M/Analyzer Installation libraries.
  • CTB.V9000O for Control-M/Analyzer Operations libraries.
  • CTB.V9000D for Control-M/Analyzer Repository.





L. Datasets prefixes (continued):


Library Type     DSN   Prefix          Value           

Installation       ILPREFD               ___________

Operations       OLPREFD              ___________

Repository        DBPREFD             ___________

Work files         WRKPREF            ___________

CDAM files        AMPREF              ___________

                       AMPREFD           ____________

                       JB1PREF            ____________

Library Type     Access Type        User Category

Installation       Read                       2,3

Installation       Update                   1,4

Operations       Read                      3

Operations       Update                 1,2,4

Repository       Update                 1,2,3,4

CDAM files       Update                 1,2,3,4


  1. 1 Control–D installers and system administrators.
  2. 2 Security administrators.
  3. 3 Control–D end users.
  4. 4 Users with special user IDs, such as long running started tasks, or specific system jobs.

For additional requirements, see the explanation for this item in the text at the right.

L. Datasets prefixes (continued):


Examples of data set prefixes:

  • CTD.V9000I for Control–D Installation libraries.
  • CTD.V9000O for Control–D Operations libraries.
  • CTD.V9000D for Control–D Repository.

To access Control–D data sets and to use the basic facilities of Control–D, the following access authorizations are recommended.

  • Control-D monitors:
  • UPDATE access to the Control-D JOB library.
  • READ and PURGE access to JES spool SYSOUT data sets.
  • Authority to issue operator commands.
  • Authority to submit jobs.
  • UPDATE access to IOA and Control-D repositories and product data sets.
  • UPDATE access to Control-D CDAM files. See the AMPREF, AMPREFD and JB1PREF parameters in minor step 3.3 "CDAM Parameters."

The Control-D New Day procedure (CTDNDAY):

  • UPDATE access to the DSNLIST file.
  • UPDATE access to the Control-D PARM library.

Jobs that change the order of missions require UPDATE access to the Control-D PARM library.

The job that executes the CTDDELRP utility requires UPDATE access to the SCRLIST file:

Backup and restore jobs require UPDATE access to the Control–D Active Missions file.

L. Datasets prefixes (continued):


Library Type      DSN   Prefix          Value         

Operations         OLPREFV           ____________

Index files          IXHPREF            ___________

                        IXPREF               ___________

User catalog

(optional)            CTVCAT            ____________

Library Type        Access Type         User Category

Operations          Read                      3

Operations          Update                   1,2,4

CDAM files          Update                   1,2,3,4


  1. 1 Control–V installers and system administrators.
  2. 2 Security administrators.
  3. 3 Control–V end users.
  4. 4 Users with special user IDs, such as long running started tasks, or specific system jobs.

For additional requirements, see the explanation for this item in the text at the right.


Library Type     DSN   Prefix          Value           

Installation       ILPREFO             ____________

Operations       OLPREFO            ____________

L. Datasets prefixes (continued):


Examples of data set prefixes:

  • CTV.V9000O for Control–V Operations libraries.
  • IXV for Control–V Index files.
  • CTV.V9000.USERCAT for the Control–V user catalog.

To access Control–V data sets and to use the basic facilities of Control–D, the access authorizations shown for this item in the table at the left are recommended.

In addition, migration jobs require UPDATE access to the Active User file and to the Migration User file












Examples of data set prefixes:

  • CTO.V9000I for Control-O Installation libraries
  • CTO.V9000O for Control-O Operations libraries

L. Datasets prefixes: (continued)


Library Type     DSN   Prefix         Value           

Installation       ILPREFT               ___________

Operations       OLPREFT              ___________

Database         DBPREFT              ___________

Media data       DBPREFT             ___________

Media index      DBPREFT             ___________

Stacking data    DBPREFT             ___________

Stacking index   DBPREFT             ___________

Database data   DBPREFT             ___________


Trace file          DBPREFT             ___________

Library Type      Access Type             User Category

Installation        Read                        2,3,4

Installation        Update                     1

Operations        Read                        4

Operations        Update                     1,2,3

Database          Read                       3

Database          Update                    1,2,4


  1. 1 Users who install and customize Control‑M/Tape, and determine implementation and policy issues.
  2. 2 Users who create and update definitions of Control‑M/Tape entities, such as rules and pools.
  3. 3 Users who inquire information from the Control‑M/Tape media database.
  4. 4 Users with special user IDs, such as long running started tasks, or specific system jobs, such as External Data Manager started tasks.
  5. 5 Users who submit tape jobs.

L. Datasets prefixes: (continued)


This item specifies the Control-M/Tape data set access requirements.

Examples of data set prefixes:

  • CTT.V9000I for Control-M/Tape Installation libraries.
  • CTT.V9000O for Control-M/Tape Operations libraries.
  • CTT.V9000D for Control-M/Tape Database libraries.

Category 5 users do not require authorization if are no Control-M/Tape exits used to deny access.

Parent Topic

Express installation