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Getting online help

The following types of online help are available in ICE:

------------------- ICE VARIABLES CROSS-REFERENCE(V9.0.00)  Row 1 to 36 of 936 


Command ===>                                                   Scroll===> CSR  


Opt  VARIABLE   PROD Mand Cust Adapt Clone  CCID    Length   Type  Data        


     $GDFREQU   CTM   M    Y          N              1-2      N    3           

     #JNFMS     CTM   M    Y          N              1-3      N    5           

     #JNFRT     CTM   M    Y          N              1-3      N    10          

     #ONSPLOC   CTM   M    Y          N              1-4      N    5           

     #SYSMS     CTM   M    Y          N              1-3      N    5           

     #SYSRT     CTM   M    Y          N              1-3      N    20          

     @@UPDVAR   IOA   M    N          N    II10123                 2011.284 11:

     ABENDACT   CTT   M    N          N                            Y           

     ABNDTYP    CTR   M    Y          N                            CC          

     ACBNAME    IOA   M    N          N              1-8      C                

     ACLREJC    CTT   M    N          N              5-5           (2,2)       

     ADDPROC    CTR        Y          N              1-8      C                

     ADPCNT     IOA        N          N                            0           

     ADPPRF     IOA        N          N                                        

     AECACHL    CTM        Y          N              1-8      C                

     AJFSIZE    CTM   M    Y          N              7        N    180000      

     AJFTHRSH   CTM   M    Y          N              1-2      N    90          

     ALCIOA     IOA        N          N                            YES         

     ALLRUNS    CTR        Y          N                            YES         

     ALREC#     CTO        Y          N              10       N    50000       

     ALTSSN     CTO        N          N              4-4      C                

     AMBLK#D    CTD   M    Y          N                       N    100         

To see the details of the variables, enter S in the Opt field to the left of the variable name, and press Enter.

The details of variables are displayed in the following format:

Figure 2 ICE Variables cross-reference screen-Zoom Screen

------------------- ICE VARIABLES CROSS-REFERENCE-ZOOM(V9.0.00) -------------- 


Command ===>                                                                   


VARIABLE: #SYSRT     WM0652: # OF TIMES TO RETRY READ SYSOUT                   


PROD ID            : CTM                                                       

Mandatory          : M                                                         

Customized         : Y                                                         

CCID               :                                                           

ICE ID             : CTM.901                                                   

Default Value      : 20                                                        

Install Step       :                                                           

Customization Step : 1.7                                                       

Maintenance Step   :                                                           

Security Step      :                                                           

Cloning Step       :                                                           

Variable Type      : N                                                         

Variable Length    : 1-3                                                       

Variable Value     : 20                                                        

You may use the VREF facility outside of ICE by entering the command TSO EX in the selection line to the left of the IOAVREF member in the BASE INSTALL library.

Note: To execute the VREF facility from outside of ICE, the name of the BASE INSTALL library must be xxxx.BASE.INSTALL.

The following panel will be issued in response:

Figure 3 List of Environments

-------------------------- List of Environments -------------- Row 1 to 1 of 1 


Data set: IOAP.V900.BASE.INSTALL                                               

Command ===>                                                   Scroll===> PAGE 


Option: Select=S                                                               

Opt  EnvId     EnvPref                                     EnvStat             


     IOAR900   IOAP.V900                                   CUR                 

--------------------------------- END OF LIST ---------------------------------

To display the list of variables of the selected environment, enter S in the Opt field.

The following primary line commands are available when you use the VREF command:






Enables finding a required string in the list of variables.



Enables viewing a filtered list of variables or data.


R or Res

Enables clearing the results of the last find command.


PF key PF5

Enables performing a repeat find of the last searched string.


PF key PF1

Enables showing the help of the VREF facility.

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Working with ICE