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Loading ICE

Load ICE from one of the following sources:

To load ICE:

  1. Prepare your system.

    For information about the space requirements, see the INCONTROL for z/OS release notes that accompany this release. The DCB information for the image file is as follows:

    RECFM=FB, LRECL=1024, BLKSIZE=27648

  2. Transfer the image file to the mainframe as a binary file, by doing one of the following actions:
  3. Uncompress the image file.

    The image file is compressed using the IBM TRSMAIN (alias of AMATERSE) program.

    1. Once the image file has been downloaded to your system, make the necessary changes in the following UNTERSE job.

**************************** Top of Data ******************************

//UNTERSE JOB                   <=== tailor job card to local standards




//INFILE   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=uploaded.image.file.from.step1    <===UPDATE


//       UNIT=disk_unit,VOL=SER=disk_volser,                 <===UPDATE

//       DSN=basepref.XMITLIB,                               <===UPDATE

//       SPACE=(CYL,(ppp,ss,dd))

*************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

In this job, basepref represents your choice of prefix for the base libraries, which are described in INSTxxx libraries. This parameter must be specified again later in the installation process.

ppp,ss,dd represents the space requirements for the basepref.XMITLIB library. For the required values, refer to the INCONTROL for z/OS release notes that accompany this release.

  1. Submit the job.
  2. Verify that the job completes with a return code of 0.
  1. Load the LOAD and INSTALL libraries.
    1. Load the INSTALL and LOAD libraries to disk using the $LOADICE member in the PDS created in step (basepref.XMITLIB).
    2. Use the base library prefix (basepref) as the prefix for the INSTALL library.
    3. Supply a fully qualified data set name (steplib) for the LOAD library.
    4. Make the changes described in the member and submit the job.
    5. Verify that the job completes with a return code of 0.

Parent Topic

Installing INCONTROL products with ICE