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Step 6.2 – Edit Macro Customization

To create Control-M/JCL Verify as an ISPF Edit Macro or TSO command

  1. Complete the Control-M/JCL Verify installation.
  2. If you set value DONTCOPY for SYSPROCA do the following:

    Copy REXX "CTJXVER" from the IOA CLIST library to your SYSPROC site library. You can rename the CLIST to any valid name, like JV or JVER, to simplify the usage of the Control-M/JCL Verify.

  3. Allocate the SYSPROC library to the TSO users.

    Note: Do not change the CTJXVER, since its purpose is to call the IOA CLISTs and REXXs from IOA CLIST library. This way, if any maintenance is required for the CLISTs and REXXs in IOA CLIST, the CTJXVER user can access them without any special handling.

You can call CTJXVER any valid name that the TSO users might already use for JCL verification.

Parent Topic

Step 6 – Control-M/JCL Verify adjustments