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Additional Control-M/Tape customization parameters

These parameters are found in Step 1.5 of Control-M/Tape customization:

Table 33 Operational parameters for Control-M/Tape customization




The media type which will be assigned in the Media Database (MDB) for dynamically-added volumes (see DYNVOL parameter above).


Determines whether Control‑M/Tape verifies that the data set name in the Media database matches the data set name specified in the JCL of the job.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • Y – Perform data set name verification. Default.
  • N – Do not perform data set name verification.
  • B – Do not perform data set name verification when accessing the volume as BLP in the JCL of the job.
  • E - Do not perform data set name verification when accessing external volumes.
  • X - Do not perform data set name verification when accessing external volumes or accessing a volume as BLP in the JCL of the job.


Controls the activation process of the volumes used for temporary storage.

Valid values are:

  • N - Control-M/Tape ignores all volumes used for temporary storage of files. The volumes remain as SCRATCH in Control-M/Tape after the job using the volumes completes, but remain as active in the ATL. Default.
  • Y- Control-M/Tape activates all volumes used for temporary storage. Volumes are set to ACTIVE, PENDIND_SCRATCH after the job using the volumes completes. These volumes become SCRATCH during the next CTTRTM run, which includes the Control-M/Tape ATL interface in both the Control-M/Tape database and the ATL.
  • A - For volumes that are ATL-resident, the activation process is as TMPVLACT=Y. Otherwise, for volumes that are not ATL-resident, the activation process is as TMPVLACT=N.


Controls the interruptions of the reading by the IOA functional monitor of the Control‑M/Tape Trace file.

  • Mandatory

The format of the parameter is (rec,sec) where

  • rec – the number of records processed before reading by the IOA functional monitor stops. Default: 100
  • sec – the duration, in seconds, of each interruption of the reading by the IOA functional monitor. Default: 15

If you set the CTTRSRV parameter to Y (to activate Control‑M/Tape Reserve support), BMC recommends that you set the TRCDELAY parameter to (100,30). This prevents contention problems on the disk where the Control‑M/Tape Trace file resides.

These parameters are found in Step 1.7 of Control-M/Tape customization:

Table 34 Stacking parameters




Whether, during Dynamic Stacking, Control‑M/Tape rejects data sets that can be created on more than one volume.

If the VOLUME COUNT subparameter of the VOL parameter is set in JCL to a value other than 1, the data set can be created on more than one volume. In that event, when Dynamic Stacking is performed, Control‑M/Tape, by default, rejects the data set with a reason code of 7.

The STKVCBP parameter enables Dynamic Stacking to be performed despite the setting of the VOLUME COUNT subparameter.

  • Mandatory

Valid values are:

  • N – Reject data sets that can be created on more than one volume. Default.
  • Y – Do not reject data sets that can be created on more than one volume.

    Note: You can use the Product Customization option in ICE to set a value for the STKVCBP parameter.

For information about other Control-M/Tape parameters that may be specified during a customized installation, see the "Installing Control-M/Tape" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

Parent Topic

Control-M/Tape customization considerations