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Global operational parameters

Table 27 Global operation parameters





How the special restart step inserted in the JCL of the job to be restarted terminates if the restart step encounters an unrecoverable error.

  • Mandatory

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Whether during post processing Control‑M considers all previous runs of a job, both original runs and restarts, or only the last run or restart.

For more information, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing, and the introduction chapter in the Control‑M/Restart for z/OS User Guide.



Whether the skipped steps statistics message CTR066I is displayed.

  • Mandatory

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Whether to simulate the IF condition in IF, THEN and ELSE DD statements so that a job can be restarted within an IF, THEN or ELSE DD statement.

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Whether Control‑M/Restart stops or allows processing of a job on detecting a missing base generation data set (base GDG) when processing a Control‑M/Restart facility.

For more information, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Message level of the Control‑M/Restart step.

  • Mandatory

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Whether to prevent NOT CATLGD 2 events in advance as a default.

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.



Controls the searching for uncataloged data sets on all mounted disks that Control‑M/Restart may perform in case of a restart of a job whose original run failed due to a system crash.

  • YES – Control‑M/Restart starts searching for uncataloged data sets, on all mounted disks, if it recognizes that the original run of job failed due to a system crash. Default.
  • NO – Suppresses this processing; Control‑M/Restart does not start searching.
  • CONFIRM – Control‑M/Restart issues messages CTR303I and CTR304I and then waits for confirmation from an operator before starting to search the data sets.



Specifies which type of archive (CDAM) data sets will be used by Control‑M and Control‑M/Restart for saving job outputs.

The SYSDB parameter in the CTRPARM member specifies the default archiving type. It may be overridden by the SYSDB parameter in the scheduling definition of any specific job.

  • YES – Multi-job CDAM files are used for archiving the sysouts of jobs, meaning that each archive CDAM data set may contain the output of several jobs. Default.
  • NO – Each archive CDAM file may contain the sysout of only one job.



Whether a Tape Management system is installed at the site.

  • Mandatory

For more information on this parameter, see the "Installing Control-M/Restart" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.


Parent Topic

Control-M/Restart customization considerations