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6. Controlling the assembly listing

The programs selected for these tasks, the execution parameters and the expected MAX-RC, are defined in the SMP/E CSI in the UTILITY entries, which are referred to by the OPTION entries in the GLOBAL zone. In the IOA SMP/E environment, the following OPTIONS entries are provided:

The following UTILITY entries are provided:

The definitions of these utilities in SMP/E include a set of execution parameters for the programs activated.

This set is defined by BMC to suit the assembly and linkage operations of the IOA line of products.

During upgrade installation the output of the assembly might be very large. As a result, you may not want this output to be written to the SYSPRINT file of the SYSOUT during APPLY/ACCEPT processing. In order to achieve this, you may change the parameters supplied to the assembly utility in SMP/E by using one of the following methods:

  1. Access the SMP/E Primary Option Menu and perform the following procedures:
    1. Select option 1.1.
    2. Specify GLOBAL.
    3. Select option 3, UTILITY.
    4. Select the required ASM utility (IOAASM for APPLY, IOAASMD for ACCEPT) by specifying "S" next to its name.
    5. In the PARM field, change the LIST/NOLIST value as required.
      • If you select LIST, assembly listing will be written to the SYSPRINT file of the SYSOUT.
      • If you select NOLIST, assembly listing will not be written to the SYSPRINT file of the SYSOUT.
  2. Run a batch SMP/E job using IOASMP procedure with the following commands:






    Be aware that in case of assembly errors, no diagnostic procedure can be carried out without the listing of the assembly (SYSPRINT).

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