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Change Deployment to a non-SMP/E managed clone environment

This section describes how changes (for example, fixes and maintenances) in an SMP/E managed base IOA environment can be easily and reliably transferred to a cloned non-SMP/E managed IOA environment.

The changes can include

The tool enables you to move all changed elements from the base IOA environment to bring the cloned IOA environment to the same level as the base IOA environment.

The change deployment procedure, which transfers the new elements from the base environment to the cloned environment, consists of the following stages:

  1. An ICE-managed process at the base (source) IOA environment builds a change deployment package that consists of the SMP/E managed data sets. A DFDSS job is used to build the package.
  2. If necessary, the user manually copies the change deployment package from base (source) environment to the cloned (target) environment.
  3. An ICE-managed process at the cloned (target) IOA environment extracts and deploys the change deployment package. Only changed elements are deployed.

For more information, see

Parent Topic

Performing change deployment