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Step F11: Control-M/Tape fallback
  1. Update Rules.

    Adjust the rule definitions in the Rules library of the previous versions to be identical to those of the new version.

  2. Update Rule list.

    Update the Rule List members of the previous Control‑M/Tape version (default member: RULLIST in the Control‑M/Tape PARM library) to point to all required rule members.

  3. Update pool definitions.

    Adjust the pool definitions (default member: $$POOL in the Control‑M/Tape PARM library) of the previous version of Control‑M/Tape to be identical to those of the new Control‑M/Tape version.

    The pool definition members of the new Control‑M/Tape version can be copied, as is, to the pool definition member of the previous version.

  4. Update vault definitions.

    Adjust the vault definitions (default member: $$VAULT in the Control‑M/Tape PARM library) of the previous version of Control‑M/Tape to be identical to those of the new Control‑M/Tape version.

    The vault definition members of the new Control‑M/Tape version can be copied, as is, to the Vault Definition library of the previous version.

  5. Format the Media Database of your earlier version.
    1. Before migrating the new version Media Database to your earlier version Media Database, the data and index components of the earlier version Media Database must be formatted and empty.
    2. Edit the CTTMDBD and CTTMDBI members in the INSTWORK library of the earlier version. Verify that the values that set the size of the Media Database are correct. The job CTTCMDB allocates and formats the data and index components of the Media Database of the earlier version.
    3. Submit the job and verify that all job steps ended with a condition code of 0.
  6. Migrate the Media Database.

    For fall-back to an earlier version, perform the following actions:

    1. In the new version environment, use the IOADUL utility to unload the new version MDB into a flat file.
    2. In the fall-back environment (the earlier version), use the IOADLD utility to load the flat file back to the fall-back MDB.
    3. In the fall-back environment, use the CTTBIX utility to rebuild the index.
  7. Run the CTTVTM utility in your previous version, with TYPEVLT MODE=SLOTBLD, then with TYPEVLT MODE=BOXBLD, in order to rebuild the slot and box records in the database of your previous version.

    Note: Do not use INCLUDE or EXCLUDE statements while running the CTTVTM utility in these MODEs

  8. Control‑M/Tape SVC

    Read carefully the description of Control‑M/Tape SVC installation in the Control‑M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing of the version to which you are falling back. Then decide whether you want to install Static or Dynamic SVC.

    The actions that you need to perform are dependent on both the type of the SVC you had in the new version environment and the type of SVC you want to have in the version to which you are falling back.

    Table 29 Control‑M/Tape SVC fallback



    Dynamic SVC in
    the new Control‑M/Tape version

    Static SVC in
    the new Control‑M/Tape version

    Dynamic SVC in previous Control‑M/Tape

    No action required.

    Edit the IEASVCxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB member and delete the following line:


    where n is the SVCNUM that was used in the new version

    IPL the system.

    Static SVC in
    previous Control‑M/Tape


    Do all the steps for static SVC that are described under "Control‑M/Tape SVC Installation" in the Control‑M/Tape chapter of the previous version of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

    IPL the system.

    Edit the IEASVCxx member in the SYS1.PARMLIB member and delete the following line:


    where n is the SVCNUM that was used in the new version

    Perform all the steps for static SVC that are described under "Control‑M/Tape SVC Installation" in the Control‑M/Tape chapter of the previous version of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

    IPL the system.

  9. Control‑M/Tape Operating System Interfaces

    Read the description of Control‑M/Tape Operating System Interfaces in the Control‑M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing of the version to which you are falling back. Then decide whether you want to install Static or Dynamic Operating System Interfaces.

    Note: In this step, IPL means IPL CLPA.

    The actions that you need to perform depend on both the type of operating system interfaces that you had in the earlier version environment and the type of operating system interfaces that you want to have in the version to which you are falling back. These are illustrated in the following table.

    Table 30 Control‑M/Tape operating system interface fallback



    Dynamic operating system interfaces in the new Control‑M/Tape version

    Static operating system interfaces in the new Control‑M/Tape version

    Dynamic Operating System Interfaces in previous Control‑M/Tape versions

    • No action required.
    • Restore Operating System CSECTs (IFG0195B, IFG019RB, IFG019FS, IFG019FV, IFG019VM, and IFG055FE) to the latest operating system level without Control‑M/Tape interfaces in them.
    • IPL the system.

    Static Operating System Interfaces in previous Control‑M/Tape


    • Perform all the steps that are described under "Control‑M/Tape MVS Interfaces" for "Static Interfaces" in the Control‑M/Tape chapter of the previous version of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.
    • IPL the system.
    • Restore Operating System CSECTs (IFG0195B, IFG019RB, IFG019FS, IFG019FV, IFG019VM, and IFG055FE) to the latest operating system level without Control‑M/Tape interfaces in them.
    • IPL the system.

    Perform all the steps that are described under "Control‑M/Tape MVS Interfaces" for "Static Interfaces" in the Control‑M/Tape chapter of the previous version of the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

    • IPL the system.
  10. Migrate the Control‑M/Tape Stacking Database.
  11. Make sure all external exits are used from the old IOA LOAD library. For example, if you are using OAM, make sure CBRUXENT, CBRUXEJC, CBRUXCUA, and CBRUXVNL from the old IOA LOAD library reside in the LINKLIST.
  12. Make sure all manual allocations for the IOA LOAD library are changed to the old ones. For example, if you are using DFSMShsm and the IOA LOAD library is concatenated to the STEPLIB of an DFSMShsm procedure, then edit the procedure to make sure that the old IOA LOAD library will be used.

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Fallback steps