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Step 46. Migrate Control-D
  1. Replace Control‑D procedures
    1. If you used Control‑D procedures in your jobs you can use the JCLLIB statement or you can copy these procedures to the procedure library at your site.
    2. Ensure that the Control‑D procedures include all required output DD statements.

    Note: If Control‑D JCL procedure prefixes are not the same as prefixes of the previous version, modify the JCL of the production jobs to refer to the new Control‑D JCL procedure names.

    1. Rename the current release started tasks to the names of the started task procedures in the version you are now using.
    2. Prior to starting the new Control-D procedure, the previous CDAM subsystem must be shutdown. Run the IOASTERM task, matching its current release environment, and then run the IOASINIT task for the environment you want to load.

    Note: If you are not performing an IPL to the upgrade, the CDAM subsystem must be shutdown and started manually.

  2. Migrate the Control‑D Repository, as follows:
    1. Delete the Control‑D current release AMF, AMB, ATF, and ATB files that you used while testing.
    2. To reallocate the new Control‑D Repository, enter the Control‑D Customization option and select the "Customize Control‑D dataset Parameters" step.
    3. Allocate the Control‑D current release Active Missions file.

      Use the CTDCAMF utility to copy the contents of the old Active Mission file to the current release Active Mission file. Sample JCL for running the utility is in the CTDCAMF member in the Control‑D JCL library. Edit the sample, and add the OLDAMF=<previous AMF dsname> parameter and change NEWAMF=&DBPREFD..NEWAMF to NEWAMF=&DBPREFD..AMF.

    4. Migrate the previous Control‑D Active Transfer file.
      1. Format the Active Transfer file by using the "Format the A.T.F. File" step.
      2. Use the CTDCATF utility to copy the contents of the old Active Transfer file to the current release Active Transfer file. Add the following parameters:


      //       INATF='previous ATF dsname',

      //       OUTATF='current ATF dsname '

    For details, see the sample job in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

  3. Migrate Control‑D User files.

    Run the CTDUFDUL job from the Control‑D JCL library in the version you are upgrading from, to back up the Active, Permanent, and History files.

    Use the CTDUFRST sample job from the Control‑D current release JCL library to restore the files. For each file modify the necessary lines in the job.

  4. Adjust the Control‑D New Day procedure

    The STARTCD member in the Control‑D PARM library contains the MVS START command to start the Control‑D procedure.

  5. Adjust Date Control Records

    Copy the date control records, DDATEREC and DDATRECU, from the previous Control‑D PARM library to the current release Control‑D PARM library.

  6. Copy the following members, (which contain lists of missions that are ordered by the CTDNDAY procedure) from the previous Control‑D PARM library to the current release Control‑D PARM library:
  7. Copy Recipient Tree members from the previous Control‑D PARM library to the current release Control‑D PARM library. By default, the Recipient Tree member is named CTDTREE.
  8. Copy Generic User lists from the previous Control‑D PARM library to the current release Control‑D PARM library.
  9. Ensure that the current release procedure CTDNDAY and any User daily jobs reference

    Note: For details, see the discussion of member format changes in Step 38. Copy definition libraries.

    If you modified the BKPSKL skeleton library in the previous Control‑D version, make the same modifications to the Control‑D current release SKL skeleton library.

  10. Use ISPF option 3.3 or the IEBCOPY utility to copy the following production libraries to the current release:
  11. If necessary, adjust the parameters of the following Control‑D exits in the SAMPEXIT library:
  12. To enable use of the Control-D reports transformation option, use the relevant option of the following:
  13. Complete the IOA Core file migration

    Execute the IOALDNRS utility to populate the IOA Manual Conditions file (NRS). See the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide for details on executing the IOALDNRS utility.

Parent Topic

Migrating adjusted products