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Step 33. Prepare Control-M/Tape
  1. Change environment

    To ensure that local changes to the production Control‑M/Tape environment are applied to the Control‑M/Tape current release, review Step 21. Adjust Control-M/Tape and the discussion of Upgrade dependencies.

    If necessary, make final changes to the Control‑M/Tape current release environment.

    Note: Verify that the following are identical to the corresponding definitions in the production Control‑M/Tape system.

    After making any changes in the vault definitions, you must run the CTTVTM utility in SLOTBLD and BOXBLD mode. Execute the utility using the "Building Vault Information in MDB" minor step under the "Adjustments" major step.

  2. Modify installation parameters

    You can change the values of Control-M/Tape installation parameters by using the "CTTPARM Post-Installation" major step 1, "Initialization Parameters" minor step 1, under Product Customization for Control-M/Tape, in ICE Customization. Set the value of the MODET installation parameter to PROD, and the value of the PARALLEL parameter to N.

  3. Save parameters

    Save parameters by performing the "Save Parameters into Product Libraries" minor step.

Parent Topic

Preparing for migrating adjusted products