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Using existing production files in the new Control-M/Analyzer environment

The following procedure explains how to use existing production files in the new Control‑M/Analyzer environment:

  1. Prepare all relevant Control‑M/Analyzer data sets from supported earlier versions (Vxxx), for use in the current release. The following table identifies the data sets that must be prepared.

    Table 23 Control‑M/Analyzer data sets

    Data set name

    Data file name

    Index file name




    Model Variables Definition



    Database Variables Generations



    Rule Activity






    Active Balancing



    The files shown in the previous table can receive different migration treatment, as follows:

  2. Data files GRPD, MODD, and VARD must be migrated to ensure that the current release database contains the same database records that existed in Vxxx.
  3. For each file shown in the previous table that you want to migrate, use the following procedure:
    1. Ensure that you can allocate the file exclusively during the upgrade process. If Control‑M or other jobs currently access and use the file you are to upgrade, delay the upgrade process until the file becomes exclusively available to Control‑M/Analyzer, such as the time during Initial Program Load (IPL).
    2. Use the IEBGENER utility to create a backup of the current Vxxx.GRPD file by copying the file to a new name.

      Note: The current Vxxx.GRPD file will become the file used by the current release environment. At the end of the upgrade process, the backup file you are now creating will become the .GRPD file of the Vxxx environment.

    3. After you have finished creating the backup copy with a new name, run the IOADBF utility on the Vxxx.GRPD file, using the FUNC=CHANGE and (BYPASS) parameters. Ensure that the rc is 00.

      Sample JCLs for substeps C and E (where Vxxx represents the version you are upgrading from) are:

      //CTB#CE JOB














      For more information, see the description of the IOADBF utility in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

      Note: This is a verification step to confirm that the file is accessible to name and qname changes. Because the current release parameters have not yet been supplied, at this point no changes will appear in the file.

    4. Change the DSN parameter in the IOA.Vxxx.INSTWORK (DEFGRPD) library member to reflect the new version CRname of the GRPD file. Do not include the .000 suffix when you change the parameter.
    5. Rerun the IOADBF utility. The internal name is modified, and rc becomes 02 or 00.
    6. Use ISPF option 3.2 to change the name of the original Vxxx.GRPD file to the new version Vyyy.GRPD filename.

      Rename CTB.Vxxx.GRPD.E000 to CTB.Vyyy.GRPD.E000

    7. Change the JCL to run from the current release environment (steplib, procname), and the DAFILE to point to the new Vyyy.GRPD file.

      Sample JCLs for step g (where Vyyy represents the version you are upgrading to) are:

      //CTB#G JOB














    8. Rerun the IOADBF utility. The internal qname has been modified to adjust to the current release environment qname.
    9. Rename the backup file created in step 3.B to the original Vxxx.GRPD file name.
    10. Change the DSN parameter in the IOA.Vxxx.INSTWORK (DEFGRPD) library member to reflect the old Vxxx name of the GRPD file. Do not include the .000 suffix when you change the parameter.
  4. If you used Control‑M/Analyzer procedures in your jobs you can use JCLLIB statement or you can copy these procedures to the procedure library at your site.

    Note: If Control‑M/Analyzer JCL procedure prefixes are not the same as prefixes of the previous version, modify the JCL of the production jobs to refer to the new Control‑M/Analyzer JCL procedure names.

  5. Enable users of Control-M/Analyzer to access the Vyyy Control‑M/Analyzer online interface, CLISTs, and panels.
  6. Copy the date control record from the Vxxx Control‑M/Analyzer PARM library to the CTBDATE member in the current release Control‑M/Analyzer PARM library.
  7. Copy the list of programs that are run by the New Day procedure.
  8. Copy the list of programs from the Vxxx Control‑M/Analyzer PARM library to the CTBPROGD member in the current release Control‑M/Analyzer PARM library.
  9. Copy the CTBMNDAY member from the Vxxx Control‑M/Analyzer BALMIS library to the current release BALMIS library.
  10. Copy the CTBX010 member in the Vxxx IOA LOAD library to CTBX010 in the current release IOA LOAD library. Alternatively, you can recompile the CTBX010 module in the current release environment.

Parent Topic

Step 49. Migrate Control-M/Analyzer