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Control-M abends

The following table contains abends related to the Control-M product.


Explanation/Corrective Action


Explanation: This abend is issued by the Control-M main task after an abend occurred in one of its subtasks.

Corrective Action: Check for the cause of the subtask abend, and correct accordingly.


Explanation: An error occurred in a Control-M file.

Clarification: This abend is always preceded by message RUN119S.

Corrective Action: Check for any additional messages relating to the abend and correct accordingly.


Explanation: The Jobs Order procedure detected that the contents of the Active Jobs file were invalid.

Clarification: This is usually because the file is improperly formatted.

Corrective Action: Reallocate and reformat the Active Jobs file.


Explanation: A severe internal error occurred in the Control-M monitor when processing a job order.

Clarification: This abend always follows message SPY252S which displays details of the job order. Additional messages relating to the problem can be found in the IOA Log file.

Corrective Action: Check message SPY252S and any other messages relating to the problem in the IOA Log file, and correct accordingly.

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User abends