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Messages IOAI00 through IOAIxx

This group includes messages for the IOA (infrastructure) product.

IOAI01E ProdName1 can not be set to Y unless ProdName2 was set to Y

Explanation: Product ProdName1 is dependent on product ProdName2. Therefore, ProdName1 cannot be installed unless ProdName2 is also installed.

Corrective Action: First set ProdName2 to Y and then set ProdName1 to Y.

IOAI02E The STEPLIB parameter was set to a non library (PDS) file

Explanation: The specified Load library dsname is not a PDS or PDSE library.

Corrective Action: Check the file and make sure it is a partioned data set.

IOAI03E The STEPLIB library that was set does not exist

Explanation: The specified Load library dsname has not been allocated.

Corrective Action: Check the file and make sure it is allocated and populated.

IOAI04E The STEPLIB library RECFM is not "U"

Explanation: The specified Load library dsname has a record format that is not U.

Corrective Action: Check the file and make sure that attribute U has been allocated in the RECFM parameter.

IOAI05E The STEPLIB library that was set is empty

Explanation: The specified Load library is empty.

Corrective Action: Check that the specified Load library exists. If it does, check why the library is empty.

IOAI06E The reference Library is not found or unavailable: datasetName

Explanation: The specified datasetName reference library dsname does not exist or is unavailable for processing.

Corrective Action: Check the file and make sure it is allocated and is available for processing.

IOAI07E Base library prefix can not be one qualifier only

Explanation: The specified BASE library prefix has only one qualifier.

Corrective Action: The BASE library prefix must have at leas two qualifiers.

IOAI08E Low level qualifier of Base library prefix MUST be BASE

Explanation: The specified low level qualifier of the BASE library prefix is not BASE.

Corrective Action: Change the low level qualifier to BASE.

IOAI09E ICELOG data set DsName is missing

Explanation: ICE or a utility failed to allocate the DsName data set in ilprefa.ICELOG. As a result, messages cannot be written to ICELOG.

Corrective Action: If the data set does not exist, allocate a new ICELOG data set. If it does exist, but it is in use, release it. Then run the tool again.

IOAI0AE Failed to Action DsName

Explanation: ICE or a utility failed to perform the specified Action on the DsName data set. The Action can be one of the following:

Corrective Action: Check that the DsName data set exists and is available for performing the specified Action.

IOAI0BE Failed to Action the table TblName

Explanation: ICE or a utility failed to perform the specified Action on the TblName table. The Action can be one of the following:

Corrective Action: Check that the TblName table is available for performing the specified Action.

IOAI0CE Invalid parameter ParmName

Explanation: The value of the parameter ParmName is invalid.

Corrective Action: Change the value of the parameter ParmName to a valid value. Refer to the ICE Online Help or the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing for information regarding the valid values for the ParmName parameter.

IOAI0DE One of Cloning tools is already running

Explanation: An instance of one of the cloning tools is already running.

Corrective Action: Wait until the running instance of the cloning tool terminates before invoking the cloning tool.

IOAI0EE Failed to Action the Characteristic of ParmName

Explanation: ICE or a utility failed to perform the specified Action on the Characteristic of the ParmName parameter.

The Action can be one of the following:

The Characteristic can be one of the following:

Corrective Action: Check that the utility is invoked according to the information provided in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

IOAI0FE The environment EnvId does not exist

Explanation: ICE or a utility failed to locate the EnvId environment.

Corrective Action: Check that the specified EndId environment exists. If the message is issued by a utility, check that the utility is invoked according to the information provided in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide and the value of the ENVID parameter for the utility is correct.

IOAI0GE The environment origin must be EPD

Explanation: The origin of specified environment is not EPD.

Corrective Action: Check that the specified environment origin is EPD. If the message is issued by a utility, check that the utility is invoked according to the information provided in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide and the value of the ENVID parameter for the utility is correct.

IOAI0HW Invalid syntax at the line LineNum

Explanation: The file-based Express Installation process failed because of a syntax error in the LineNum line of the input member.

Corrective Action: Fix the syntax error in the LineNum line of the input member of the file-based Express Installation. For more detailed information, please refer to the “Express Install” chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

IOAI0II Checking the parameter ParmName

Explanation: ICE or a utility checks the validity of the ParmName parameter.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

IOAI0JI ParmName = ParmValue

Explanation: ICE or a utility assigns the ParmValue value to the ParmName parameter.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

IOAI0KI Action Entity Direction Name

Explanation: ICE or a utility performs an I/O operation.

The Action can be one of the following:

The Entity can be one of the following:

The Direction can be one of the following:

The Name is the name of a data set, or a data set and a member.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

IOAI0LE ExecName can run only in the TSO/ISPF environment

Explanation: The ExecName EXEC was invoked in an incompatible system environment.

Corrective Action: Invoke the ExecName EXEC in the TSO/ISPF environment.

IOAI0ME ExecName should be invoked from the IOA INSTALL library

Explanation: The ExecName EXEC was invoked in an inappropriate library.

Corrective Action: Invoke the ExecName EXEC from the IOA INSTALL library.

IOAI0NE Failed to establish TSO ALTLIB DsName

Explanation: ICE or a utility failed to allocate the DsName data set.

Corrective Action: Check that the DsName data set exists and it is the IOA LOAD library.

IOAI0OI The exec ExecName terminated with RC= RetCode

Explanation: The ExecName EXEC terminated with a return code of RetCode.

Corrective Action: No user response is required if RetCode is zero. If it is not, please refer to the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide for further information regarding the return codes of the ExecName utility.

IOAI0PE Failed to create the member MemName

Explanation: ICE or a utility failed to create the ilprefa.INSTWORK(MemName) member.

Corrective Action: Compress the ilprefa.INSTWORK data set and ensure that the ilprefa.INSTWORK(MemName) member is not open. Then rerun the utility.

IOAI0QI The exec ExecName started

Explanation: The ExecName EXEC was invoked and the execution started.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

IOAI0RI The member MemName created

Explanation: The MemName member was created by ICE or a utility.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

IOAI0SW Used space is over nn% in DsName

Explanation: The Renaming tool failed to write to the DsName data set, because the data set is almost full.

Corrective Action: Free some space in the data set or enlarge the data set. Compress the data set and rerun the Renaming tool.

IOAI0TE ENVID value is not specified

Explanation: The value of the mandatory ENVID parameter is not specified.

Corrective Action: Specify the value of the mandatory ENVID parameter.

IOAI0UW The parameter ParmName is ignored

Explanation: The value of the superfluous ParmName parameter is ignored.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

IOAI0VE Failed to identify the data set DsName

Explanation: The Renaming tool failed to identify the DsName data set which is specified in the ilprefa.INSTWORK(IOACDDSL) Data Set List.

Corrective Action: Fix the ilprefa.INSTWORK(IOACDDSL) Data Set List and rerun the Renaming tool.

IOAI0WI Processing data set DsName

Explanation: The Renaming tool is processing the DsName data set.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

IOAI0XI Setting up Prod

Explanation: The Renaming tool is setting up the Prod product.

Corrective Action: No action is required.

IOAI0YE Failed to Action Prod

Explanation: The Renaming tool failed to perform the Action operation on the Prod product.

The Action can be one of the following:

Corrective Action: Please examine the messages in the ilprefa.ICELOG data set to identify the reason of the failure.

IOAI0ZI Data set DsName already exists

Explanation: The Renaming tool is invoked with the parameter MODE(ALLOC) and the DsName data set is listed in the ilprefa.INSTWORK(IOACDDSL) Data Set List. The tool will not allocate the DsName data set because the data set already exists.

Corrective Action: No action is required.


Explanation: Specifying the R option for the capacity of a product refers the installation to the reference environment. If no reference environment was specified, the R option is meaningless.

Corrective Action: Specify the capacity using an available option or specify the reference environment.

IOAI11E SMP/E data sets are not exclusively owned by this IOA

Explanation: The SMP/E CSI of this IOA environment contains other (non-INCONTROL) products, or other IOA instances. SMP/E Enabled IOA Cloning is not supported in this case.

Corrective Action: For more information, see the Limitations section of the "Cloning an IOA environment" chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Installing.

IOAI12E SMP/E Cloning can be done using ICE only.

Explanation: Cloning can only be performed using ICE.

Corrective Action: Perform the cloning from ICE.

IOAI20E ECAPARMx validation error message

Explanation: Where ECAPARMx validation error message can be one of the following:

Corrective Action:Correct the problem and run the Renaming tool again.

IOAI21I Renaming tool informative message

Explanation: Where Renaming tool informative message can be one of the following:

Corrective Action: No action is required.

IOAI22E Failed to process data set DsName

Explanation: The Renaming tool failed to process the DsName data set.

Corrective Action: Examine the informative message IOAI23I that follows to obtain more information about how to correct the problem.

IOAI23I Renaming tool informative message

Explanation: This informative message can be issued either independently or following the IOAI22E error message, providing more detailed information about the failure. The Renaming tool informative message can be one of the following:

(Only issued when the failure was caused by a job.)

Corrective Action: If necessary, make the necessary correction, using the information provided, and run the Renaming tool again.

IOAI25E Renaming tool error message

Explanation: Where Renaming tool error message can be one of the following:

Corrective Action: Correct the problem and run the Renaming tool again.

IOAI26W DataSetName (MemberName)

Explanation: The format of the member differs in the two versions of IOA involved in the Express Upgrade process.

Corrective Action: Continue with the Express Upgrade. After performing the “Complete the Upgrade” step, check that no problems exist with the functionality of the products. If there are no problems, the message can be ignored and no further action is required.

IOAI27E Renaming tool cannot be invoked in this environment when the MODE is different from ALLOC

Explanation: The message is issued when the Renaming Tool is invoked on the base environment with the MODE=FULL or MODE=ADJUST.

Corrective Action: Set the MODE to ALLOC and then invoke the Renaming tool.

IOAI98W DsName is not used in DFDSS mode.

Explanation: An old format Renaming Definitions data set basepref.RNM was detected by the Renaming tool running in the DFDSS mode on a cloned IOA environment. The data set is not used by the Renaming tool in DFDSS mode.

Corrective Action: Ensure that you are using the new cloning process, in which all cloning parameters are specified in ICE screens and are validated using the ICE processes, instead of manually editing the Renaming Definitions data set basepref.RNM.

IOAI99W FULL mode is obsolete. Use DFDSS mode instead.

Explanation: The Renaming tool was invoked in FULL mode, which is obsolete.

Corrective Action: Use the DFDSS mode for Renaming tool invocation, instead of FULL mode.

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IOA messages