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Messages DVT100 through DVT1xx

This group includes messages for the Control-V product.

DVT170I mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - IS STARTING

Explanation: This information message indicates that IOA Archive Server device deviceId allocated to media mediaName started.

Corrective Action: No action is required.


Explanation: This information message indicates that the main task requested shutting down IOA Archive Server mediaName device deviceId.

Corrective Action: No action is required.


Explanation: This message indicates that due to an internal error, a cache request received by the IOA Archive Server from device deviceId was empty. See accompanying message DVT178I or IOA178I for the name of the requested file.

The cache request is ignored.

Corrective Action: Notify your INCONTROL administrator.

DVT173E mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - REASON: EXTENT ext IS OUT OF FILE

Explanation: The IOA Archive Server received a cache request from device deviceId for a relative byte address (RBA) with an extent that is not included in the migrated file. See accompanying message DVT178I or IOA178I for the name of the requested file.

The cache request is ignored.

Corrective Action: Check the validity of the RBA ranges in the user record. Notify your INCONTROL administrator.

DVT174E mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - REASON: RC rc IN TRANSLATION TTRZ ttttrrzz

Explanation: An internal error occurred when the IOA Archive Server translated a relative block number to a relative block address (RBA). See accompanying message DVT178I or IOA178I for the name of the requested file.

The request is ignored.

Corrective Action: Notify your INCONTROL administrator.

DVT175E mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - REASON: BLOCK blockNum IS OUT OF FILE

Explanation: The IOA Archive Server received a cache request from device deviceId with a relative block address (RBA) that caused return code rc in translating the TTR to a relative block number. See accompanying message DVT178I or IOA178I for the name of the requested file.

The request is ignored.

Corrective Action: Check the validity of the RBA ranges in the user record. Notify your INCONTROL administrator.

DVT176E mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - REASON: RC rc IN TRANSLATION BLOCK blk_num

Explanation: An internal error occurred when the IOA Archive Server translated a relative block number to a relative block address (RBA). See accompanying message DVT178I or IOA178I for the name of the requested file.

The request is ignored.

Corrective Action: Notify your INCONTROL administrator.


Explanation: This information message indicates that a user who issued a cache request to the IOA Archive Server is no longer logged on. See accompanying message DVT178I or IOA178I for the name of the requested file.

The cache request is ignored.

Corrective Action: Notify your INCONTROL administrator if this message is issued while the user is still logged on.

DVT178I mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - REQUEST FOR FILE dsn IGNORED

Explanation: This information message indicates that the user that issued a cache request to the IOA Archive Server is no longer logged on.

See messages: DVT172I or IOA172I, DVT173E or IOA173E, DVT174E or IOA174E, DVT175E or IOA175E, DVT176E or IOA176E, DVT177E or IOA177E, or DVT17DI or IOA17DI.

The cache request is ignored.

Corrective Action: If this message is issued while the user is still logged on, notify your INCONTROL administrator.

DVT179W mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - TEST ENQ FOR USER OF FILE dsn FAILED, RC rc

Explanation: A system error occurred while testing the ENQ that indicates whether a user is logged on.

The system assumes that the user who issued the cache request is still logged on. The request is performed.

Corrective Action: Notify your INCONTROL administrator.


Explanation: This information message indicates that the IOA Archive Server could not allocate device deviceId even though it is dedicated to the Server explicitly by means of the DEVADDR parameter or implicitly by a quantity of a unit name in the DEVQTY parameter.

If dedicated explicitly, the device possibly is disconnected. If dedicated implicitly, probably no device in the device group specified in the IOASPRM member for the mediaName media is available. See messages DVT190E or IOA190E and DVT192E or IOA192E in the IOA Log file for the error code and information code.

The Server tries to allocate the device at 3-minute intervals until stopped by a MODIFY command.

Corrective Action: Use the error code and information code to determine why the allocation failed. See the IBM manual MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the return code received. Ask the operator to correct the problem and restart the device.


Explanation: This information message indicates that the IOA Archive Server could not allocate device deviceId which should be allocated dynamically. Probably none of the devices in the device group specified in the IOASPRM member for the mediaName media is available. See messages DVT190E or IOA190E and DVT192E or IOA192E in the IOA Log file for the error code and info code.

The Archive Server tries to allocate the device five times, at two minute intervals. If it does not succeed, device deviceId is terminated.

Corrective Action: Use the error code and information code to determine why the allocation failed. See the IBM manual MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the return code received. Ask the operator to correct the problem and restart the device.


Explanation: Highlighted, unrollable message.

This message indicates that an internal error occurred while accessing device deviceId.

The cache request that generated the error is ignored. The activity that used this device is restarted.

Corrective Action: Notify your INCONTROL administrator.


Explanation: Highlighted, unrollable message.

This message indicates that an abend occurred while accessing device deviceId.

The cache request which caused the abend is ignored. The activity which used this device will be restarted.

Corrective Action: Notify your INCONTROL administrator.

DVT17EE mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - ERROR IN FDB OF FILE fileName

Explanation: The file descriptor block that is the first block of the migrated CDAM file contains invalid information.

The migrated report cannot be accessed.

Corrective Action: Print the first block of the migrated CDAM file, for example, using IDCAMS Print Dump. Then, contact BMC Customer Support.

DVT17GI mediaName USER: userId, TIME: time, READS: reads, CPU: cpu, BLOCKS: blocks, FILE: dsName

Explanation: This information message is sent to IOALOG when the cache request is performed by the IOA Archive Server. The message is optional. It is issued only when the STATV parameter in the IOASPRM member is set to Y.

The variables in this message are:

Corrective Action: No action is required.

DVT180S mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - UNABLE TO ACQUIRE STORAGE FOR blockId, RC IS rc

Explanation: IOA Archive Server device deviceId is unable to acquire storage space for a BLKLST, FDB, CMP, CACHE or RDBUF block. See accompanying message DVT178I or IOA178I for the name of the requested file.

Execution of the task on device deviceId is terminated.

Corrective Action: Restart the IOA Archive Server. Re-IPL if necessary. Notify your INCONTROL administrator.

DVT181S mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - UNABLE TO {ENQ | DEQ} ON resourceName. RC IS rc

Explanation: The IOA Archive Server for device deviceId was unable to ENQ or DEQ on a key resource, where resourceName is the name of a volume, platter or device.

Execution of the task on device deviceId is terminated.

Corrective Action: Restart the IOA Archive Server. Re-IPL if necessary. Notify your INCONTROL administrator.

DVT190E mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - UNABLE TO ALLOCATE FILE dsn

Explanation: File dsn could not be dynamically allocated on media mediaName by the IOA Archive Server device deviceId. See message DVT192E or IOA192E for the error code and info code.

The request is ignored.

Corrective Action: Use the error code and information code to determine why the allocation failed. See the IBM manual MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide for a description of the return code received. Correct the problem. Restart the IOA Archive Server.


Explanation: The specified file could not be deallocated on the specified media when switching to another file in the IOA Archive Server device task. See message DVT192E or IOA192E for the error code and info code.

The next request and all future requests are ignored until deallocation succeeds.

Corrective Action: Use the error code and information code to determine why deallocation failed. Correct the problem. Restart the IOA Archive Server.

DVT192E mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - ERR + INFO CODE IS error+ infoCode

Explanation: This message accompanies messages IOA190E or DVT190E and IOA191E or DVT191E. It provides the error code and information code for a failed dynamic allocation or deallocation.

Corrective Action: Use the error code and information code to determine the problem and correct it.

DVT193E mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - I/O ERROR error

Explanation: The I/O error identified in this message occurred.

The request that caused the I/O error is ignored.

Corrective Action: Correct the problem in the file. Retry.

DVT194E mediaName - DEVICE deviceId - UNABLE TO OPEN FILE dsn

Explanation: IOA Archive Server device deviceId could not open the specified file.

The request is ignored.

Corrective Action: Verify that the file exists and can be accessed.


Explanation: This information message indicates that a request was issued to mount a tape volume on device deviceId, and the requested tape volume was not mounted. The previous tape mount message was issued after an attempt to open a file on a tape volume that was not mounted on the device.

If this WTOR is answered NO, the mount request is canceled and the user request is ignored.

Corrective Action: If the requested volume cannot be mounted, or to cancel the mount request for any reason, reply NO to this WTOR. Otherwise, mount the requested volume.

DVT196E mediaName - DEVICE num - ERROR IN READ SMN st.maName SSN smName DSN dsn RC: rc

Explanation: The FileTek storage-machine ASREAD_RECORD function that was activated by an IOASMON monitor failed.

The variables in this message are:

Online viewing or printing of the report from the Filetek storage machine fails.

Corrective Action: Check the return code of the ASREAD_RECORD function against the Filetek documentation, and correct the problem accordingly.

DVT197E mediaName - DEVICE num - ECBADDR FAILED SMN st.maName SSN smName DSN dsn RC: rc

Explanation: The Filetek storage-machine ECBADDR function that was activated by an IOASMON monitor after the ASREAD_RECORD function failed.

The variables in this message are:

Online viewing or printing of the report from the Filetek storage machine fails.

Corrective Action: Check the return code of the ECBADDR function against the Filetek documentation, and correct the problem accordingly.

DVT198E mediaName - DEVICE num - CHECK FAILED SMN st.maName SSN smName DSN dsn RC: rc

Explanation: The Filetek storage-machine CHECK function that was activated by an IOASMON monitor after the ECBADDR function failed.

The variables in this message are:

Online viewing or printing of the report from the Filetek storage machine fails.

Corrective Action: Check the return code of the CHECK function against the Filetek documentation, and correct the problem accordingly.

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DVT messages