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Module IOASE09

The IOASE09 module is the security module of IOA Exit IOAX009. This module checks the user’s authority to enter the IOA Online environment under CICS, IMS/DC, VTAM, IDMS/DC, COM‑PLETE, ROSCOE and TSO cross‑memory options. It is not invoked under TSO (native or ISPF), or native ROSCOE.

Optionally, a site can choose to display an IOA entry panel, requiring the user to specify user ID and password or password phrase.

The IOASE09 module is invoked under the user environment (for example, CICS). When a check is successfully passed, the IOA Online monitor is invoked. The IOASE06 module is also invoked using the user ID passed from the user environment; it performs an additional security check.

The IOASE09 module displays the IOA entry panel as a default only by IOAVMON. Otherwise, it is assumed that the user has already passed through an entry or password screen when entering the current online environment. However, the IOA entry panel is displayed under IOAVMON. The user ID and password or password phrase is verified.

Use Exit IOAX009 to perform any required user functions, while IOASE09 should be used for security functions. Note that user Exit IOAX009 cannot display the IOA entry panel. This can only be done through the IOASE09 security module.

Parent Topic

IOA Security Interface Modules