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Module IOASE06

The IOASE06 module is the security module of IOA Exit IOAX006. This module checks a user’s authority to enter the IOA Online environment. Optionally, an IOA Entry Panel is displayed requiring the user to specify user ID and password or password phrase.

The module does not display the IOA Entry Panel as a default because it is assumed that the user has already passed through a logon screen when entering the current online environment (for example, session manager, TSO entry screen, CICS sign on screen).

When the module is invoked under the IOA Online monitor, it creates the User Security Profile (ACEE). The Online monitor is a multiuser address space, and different users can have different access authorizations. Under a single user address space such as a TSO user, or a batch job, the security profile initialization has already been performed by the operating system.

Use User Exit IOAX006 to perform user functions, and the IOASE06 module to perform security functions.

User Exit IOAX006 does not return to the IOA entry panel. The IOA entry panel can only be displayed by the IOASE06 security module.

The IOASE06 security module and user Exit IOAX006 are also invoked when using the IOA KeyStroke Reporting Language (KSL), that performs IOA Online functions in batch. Therefore, the same security functions are performed under all IOA environments.

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IOA Security Interface Modules