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Operations on IOA Conditions and Control-M Resources

Whenever a user attempts to perform an operation on IOA conditions or Control‑M resources (for example, Add, Delete), or when the operation is performed automatically, the user’s authority is checked. The following IOA conditions and Control‑M resources are checked:

The security interface checks every type of operation to verify that the specified user is authorized to access a specific entity, as defined in your security product. The name of the entity is derived from the name of the condition or resource being accessed, and optionally, from the type of operation requested by the user.

For example, to access a condition called SYSCOND1 in Basic Definition mode, the user must be authorized to access the entity $$IOARES.qname.SYSCOND1. To delete a resource named SYSTAPE1 in Extended Definition mode, the user must be authorized to access the entity $$DELRES.qname.SYSTAPE1.

The IOASE07 IOA security module is invoked to verify the user’s authorization to

For more information about these elements, see Basic Definition Security Calls and Extended Definition Security Calls.

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Protecting IOA Elements