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Basic Definition Mode
  1. Initial access to Screen 3

    Perform a check to determine if the user is authorized to access Screen 3. The CLASS checked is FACILITY. The entity checked is $$CTMPNL3.qname

  2. Refresh commands in the Job Dependency Network screen (Screen 3.N).

    The following entities are checked to verify user authorization for the various REFRESH command options in the Control‑M Job Dependency Network screen.

    Table 37 Refresh Commands













    For more information about command REFRESH, see the Online Facilities chapter in the Control‑M for z/OS User Guide.

  3. Subsequent operations in Screen 3

    For all actions (hold, rerun, delete, and so on) that are performed on this screen, an authorization check is made.

    The check verifies that the authority of the current user to submit jobs with a USER parameter is equal to that of the specific job being submitted. A user who is authorized to submit a job on behalf of others is also authorized to perform the specific action (hold, rerun, delete, and so on) on jobs belonging to other users.

RACF Security

The CLASS checked is SURROGAT. The entity checked is owner.SUBMIT.

TopSecret Security

The TopSecret Application Interface module (TSSAI) is called with the following parameters:

ACF2/SAF Security

The CLASS checked is FACILITY. The entity checked is $SUBMIT.owner.

Parent Topic

Module CTMSE08