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Many IT customers require a method for tracking events related to their IT processes and consequently to the business information produced. These audited events include user actions performed interactively on business reports and changes performed internally by Control-D and Control-V to the business information that it maintains and processes. The auditing option enables tracking user actions and changes to reports, providing the audit information to designated users for analysis.

The audit service is used for logging events in a central storage. Logging event information can be useful for:

Actions can be created by:

At a customer site, events can be reported from several MVS images, multiple IOA and Control-D components, and multiple Control-D/WebAccess servers, but all events are stored in the same storage. Centralizing the events information allows analyzing the data from a single data source.

Note: If the Control-D and IOA components run on different MVS images their audit sysouts must be available for processing by one of the Control-D monitors. A common spool or Sysplex facility is required for this purpose. For more information, see Running Multiple Monitors Using Sysplex Support.

The audit reports can be delivered to the specified recipients. All parameters for the reports are defined by the administrator in the audit decollation mission. Periodically unnecessary audit reports are deleted by the CTDDELRP utility. The audit reports can viewed with the U-screen, Control-D/WebAccess, and KSL commands and options.

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Control-D audit service