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The OUTPARM options provide the ability to override the default printing characteristics (specified at decollation time) for all (or some) of the reports and banners to be printed by Control‑D. To activate this feature, add the following parameters to the banner exits (CTDX003 and CTDX014):

Table 286 Parameters for Overriding Default Printing Characteristics (OUTPARM)


Description and Valid Values



The first subparameter, m, specifies whether all the members in the Control‑D OUTPARMS library refer to job names, user IDs, print missions' names, or to reports' destinations. Valid values are:

  • JOB – The members in the OUTPARMS library refer to job names.
  • USER – The members in the OUTPARMS library refer to user names.
  • PMIS – The members in the OUTPARMS library refer to print mission names.
  • DEST – The members in the OUTPARMS library refer to report destinations.

The second subparameter, n, specifies whether search patterns on the identification lines refer to reports' names or to external writers' names. Valid values are:

  • REPORT – The search patterns refer to report names.
  • WRITER – The search patterns refer to external writer names.



Specifies whether banners must be printed with the characteristics specified for reports in the OUTPARMS library. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Banners are printed with these characteristics.
  • N (No) – Banners are not be printed with these characteristics.

For more information, see Control-D and Control-V.

Parent Topic

Tailoring Control-D Banner Exits