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INDEX Printing Control

The title of the index is retrieved from member $$UINDXH in the BANNERS library. The format of each line of index is retrieved from member $$UINDXV in the BANNERS library.

If variable %COPIES% is used in the index, the printed value is the value before the actual print. If the copies count is changed during printing (for example, it was suppressed by a user exit), the correction is not shown on the index.

The following parameters can be specified in the CTDX003 banner exit to control the printing of indexes:

Table 284 Parameters for Controlling Index Printing


Description and Valid Values



Specifies whether an index bundle contents (global index) must be printed at the beginning of a printing mission (after the bundle banner page). Valid values are:

  • ON - The global index is printed.
  • OFF - The global index is not printed.



Optionally, it is possible to create a separate index for each user in the bundle. A bundle can contain reports for more than one user. Valid values are:

  • ON - Each user receives an index at the beginning of each user bundle. However, if parameter INDEX in the Recipient Tree is equal to N (No), an index is not printed for this user.
  • OFF - An index is not produced for each user. However, if parameter INDEX in the Recipient Tree is equal to Y (Yes), an index is printed for this user.



Specifies the maximum number of index records to be printed on a page. If LINECT=0 is specified there is no limit (that is, any number of records can be printed on a page).



Specifies whether an End User Index must be printed. An End User Index is an index printed at the end of a specific user’s report bundle that indicates which reports were actually printed (that is, it does not include reports that were not printed) for that user. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) - End User Indexes are printed. However, if the INDEX parameter in the Recipient Tree is equal to N (No) or blank, an index is not printed for this user.
  • N (No or blank) - End User Indexes are not printed.



Specifies whether a Global End Index must be printed. The Global End Index contains an index of all reports that were actually printed in a report bundle. Valid values are:

  • Y(Yes) - Print a Global End Index.
  • N (No or blank) - Do not print a Global End Index

Parent Topic

Tailoring Control-D Banner Exits