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Format of Banner Pages

The contents of each banner page is determined by the text that is found in the banner member. The following applies to printing banner pages.

The first character of each line can be the following:

Table 282 Valid First Characters for Banner Page Lines

First Character

Description and Valid Values

Any valid ASA code.

Valid ASA codes include 1, +, ‑, and so on.

X‘5A’ –

AFP (Advanced Function Printing).

A line descriptor


Valid line descriptors are:

  • Blank - regular size letters
  • B - big (large) size letters
  • M - medium size letters
  • S - small size letters
  • E - end of banner page
  • C - comment line

You can use special variables, which are automatically replaced for each banner printed, within the banner page definition. The variables are:

Table 283 Special Variables for Banner Page Definition




Printing mission name.

This variable applies to deferred print banners only.


User (recipient) name.


Father of the recipient in the tree.


Report name.


Extended report name.


Printing Mission category.


Name of the job that produced the report.


Job ID (in JES) that created the report.


Current date (at printing time).


Current time.


Original scheduling date of the report.


Number of pages (for each type of banner and for the index).


Number of lines (for each type of banner and for the index).


Printing (JES) destination.


Last user (used in END banners).


Number of copies to be printed (for report banner and for the index).


Current printing copy (of the copies) (for report banner only).


From page printed.


Until page printed.


Name of the user who requested the print.

Note: This variable applies to immediate print banners only.


Name of the recipient from whom the report is received. The variable is applied to report banners only.


Decollation remark (in Active User List file).


Continuation of decollation remark (in Active User List file).


Continuation of decollation remark (in Active User List file).


Name of the ruler being used to print the report. (If no ruler is being used, no RULER is printed.)


Printing GROUP (from the printing mission definition).



The nth line of member $$GLOBAL (where n is an integer from 1 to 10).

The Control‑D Banners library contains member $$GLOBAL. This member can contain from 1 to 10 lines of data. When parameter %GLOBALn% is specified in the banner page, the nth line from this member is placed in the banner page.

This parameter can be used to distribute NEWS to all report recipients.



The nth line of a member whose name is identical to one of the following, depending on the value of the DATA parameter:

  • the user name (not the synonym) in the Recipient Tree or the online UserID depending on the value of the ADDR parameter
  • the first eight characters of the report’s name
  • the first eight characters of the report’s REMARK field

Valid values for n are: 1 to 10.

The Control‑D Banners library can contain a member for each report, report recipient, or online user. This member can contain from 1 to 10 lines of data. When the %DATAn% variable is specified, the nth line from the corresponding member is placed in the banner page. Control‑D does not expect to find such a member for every user or report.

This parameter can be used for special distribution instructions for a user or a report. For more information see sample members BMIAMI and UNIDENT in the BANNER library.



The nth address line of the current user (recipient) in the tree. Valid values for n: 1 to 10.

The Control‑D Recipient Tree can contain address lines that can be inserted in the banner page of this user. Any text can be entered in these address lines. A maximum of ten address lines can be specified per user. Control‑D does not expect to find such lines for each user.

A common use of this parameter is for the user address, to which the bundle must be delivered.

Note: For performance reasons, BMC recommends that you use variable %ADDRn% instead of variable %DATAn% whenever possible because %ADDRn% data is located in memory and %DATA is in a library, member.



Used in the End user banner to print the address of the last user, which has already printed. This variable is identical to %ADDRn% and is supported for backward compatibility.

Parent Topic

Tailoring Control-D Banner Exits