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Control-D and Control-V Exits

The following table describes the available Control‑D and Control‑V exits:

Table 278 Control‑D and Control‑V Exits




Receives control for every mission that must be placed on the Active Missions file. This exit is usually used to modify mission production parameters. For details, review the INCONTROL for z/OS Security Guide.


Printer command exit. This exit receives control at the end of any chunk of lines that is sent by Control‑D to the spool. This exit can issue operator commands to set the printer for the coming chunk. (Contact BMC Customer Support before using this exit.)


Control‑D banner exit. This exit receives control at the beginning and end of every print mission or the beginning of a user in the bundle or for every report in the bundle or for every chunk in the bundle.

This exit produces banner pages at any level and in any desired format. It can also, optionally, produce an index of the reports in a bundle. For a detailed explanation of how to tailor and use the banner exit, see Tailoring Control-D Banner Exits.


This exit authorizes access to User Reports List files. When a user displays a list of reports, which can be refined by specifying report selection criteria, the list is based on the authorization assigned to that user. The user can then perform operations on these reports. However, the user can only view the decollated portions.

When Control‑D is installed, a default dummy exit is active. To facilitate installation and product testing, this exit does not enforce any security standards. When security standards are not enforced, all of the users can view all reports using option U. When Control‑D becomes operational and access to its Online facility is given to many users, BMC recommends that you use either security module CTDSE04 or sample User Exit CTDX004A.

Sample Exit CTDX004A retrieves security definitions from the Recipient Tree. The administrator can identify one or more recipients in the Recipient Tree with a TSO logon (or logon, CICS, VTAM, and so on) user ID. These authorizations enable users to see reports under Option U. The user IDs to be authorized must be specified in the AUTHORIZE field in the definition of each recipient that is authorized to view that ID’s reports. For more information, see the Recipient Definition screen in the online facilities chapter of the Control‑D and Control‑V User Guide. When a user is authorized in the Recipient Tree, it means that the TSO (or CICS, IMS, DC, and so on) user can view all the reports of that recipient and the reports of that recipient’s descendants in the Recipient Tree. The same TSO user ID (or other environment’s sign‑on ID) can be defined for more than one recipient in the Recipient Tree.

Note: Decollated report pages can be sent to recipients that are not listed in the Recipient Tree. For information about how to do this, see the implementation hints chapter in the Control‑D and Control‑V User Guide.

User ID identification in the AUTHORIZE field is performed according to the following rules:

The specified user ID can contain a number of ? characters. This wildcard character indicates any single character.


Example of Exit CTDX004

AUTHORIZE A??X matches AIOX01, but does not match A1X01. Programmers with TSO user IDs beginning with T10 are responsible for reports assigned to the AP department. JOHN is the only programmer who writes programs also for the DOD contracts section that is classified. JOHN and every programmer whose user ID starts with T10 can view reports of all the members in the programming departments and all reports of the AP department. There is one exception: except for JOHN (T1002), no one can look at the DOD contracts section and at JOHN’s reports. JOHN’s boss (TSO user T1001) can look at JOHN’s test reports. But not at the DOD production reports. Every user in the AP department can look at their own reports only.

The Active User Reports List file also contains entries that describe the entire original report. The entries are referenced by a specially reserved user name – $SYSDATA. Authorized users can perform Online viewing of the original report, which is now compressed. The authorization for accessing $SYSDATA entries is also controlled by this exit. A user who is authorized in the Recipient Definition screen can also be allowed to view $SYSDATA entries if the SYSDATA field contains the value Y (Yes). For more information, see the Recipient Definition screen in the online facilities chapter of the Control-D and Control-V User Guide.

BMC recommends that a restricted number of operations personnel, be authorize the use the SYSDATA option because this option allows viewing of original reports.

This exit also receives control for every function performed on an entry in the User Report List file (for example, update, print, restore, view, index functions). It is possible to control who is allowed to request a restore, to determine the maximum number of pages to be printed to a remote printer, and so on This can also be performed by the security interface module (CTDSE04). If CTDSE04 is installed, the use of Sample Exit CTDX004A is not necessary.

Default Global Ruler

Each report can have a default ruler whose name is DEFAULT. User Exit CTDX004 can change the ruler that is used as this default to a global ruler whose name begins with $. Before Control-D looks for the report’s default ruler, it calls Exit CTDX004 and CTDSE04 with function DEFGRUL. The user exit can return the global ruler name that must be used as the default ruler, and the security exit can check whether the user is allowed to change the default global ruler name.


This exit receives every line to be printed by the Control‑D Printers Control monitor before actual printing takes place. The exit can prevent the line from being printed, change its contents or add more lines to the printed output. Examples of its use are Print page sequence numbers from the beginning of the printing mission (these numbers can be printed in the bundle index as well).

The actual printing is suppressed and the bundle is saved to a sequential file (for file transfer to RJE stations, and so on). For more information, see Control-D and Control-V.


SMF exit. This exit receives control before each Control‑D SMF record is written to the SMF datasets. It can suppress the record or change it. The SMF record written by Control‑D is created for each combination of User or Report or Job name. Therefore, it allows accounting on each level – including accounting by report recipient. The number of pages is accurate (unlike SMF type 6 records that use approximate numbers).

Note: SMF type 6 records are created by JES for the Control-D Printers Control monitor when it prints bundles. Therefore, it is necessary not to count the same page twice. This is the reason why the Control-D SMF record is not of type 6. The SMF record number is determined by installation parameter SMF. For more information about the format of the record, see the sample exit in the IOA SAMPEXIT library.


This exit handles the problem of decollating reports that cannot be shown on the screen. Many sites use special character sets in reports that cannot be displayed on a screen but can be printed. It is possible under Control‑D to decollate such reports by specifying the name of a translation table before the string in the WHEN statement. Under this method, the user types what the user can see, and decollation takes place using the actual nonstandard spool representation.


This exit is used to control the update of the Active Missions file. For details, review the INCONTROL for z/OS Security Guide.


Print job tailoring exit. This exit can modify the contents of the print job prepared by the Control‑D print mission. For a description of printing mission workflow, see Control-D and Control-V.


Backup job tailoring exit. This exit can modify the contents of the backup job prepared by the Control‑D backup mission. For a description of backup mission workflow, see Control-D and Control-V.


Restore job tailoring exit. This exit can modify the contents of the restore job prepared by the Control‑D restore mission. For a description of restore mission workflow, see Control-D and Control-V.


Activated by utility CTDCA2P. This exit allows the user to change the contents of the records that are copied from the Active User Report List file to the Permanent User Report List file. The exit can also suppress the copying of any record.


Activated by utility CTDCP2A. This exit allows the user to change the contents of the records that are copied from the Permanent User Report List file to the Active User Report List file. The exit can also suppress the copying of any record.


Immediate print request banner exit. Used to print banners on immediate print requests from the Online viewing facility. The exit is similar in function to Exit CTDX003 (for more details, see Tailoring Control-D Banner Exits.


This exit receives every line to be printed by an immediate print request under the Online viewing facility. The exit can suppress the line, change its contents, and so on It is similar in function to Exit CTDX005.


This exit receives control during report decollation when a search is made in the Recipient Tree for a synonym that is identical to the recipient name found in the report (that is, when trying to identify the recipient of the page). The exit can determine whether they are equal or not. It is mainly used to define synonym ranges. For example: User BR129 must receive all postal codes from 10200 to 10399. For an example of the use of this exit, see the implementation hints chapter in the Control‑D and Control‑V User Guide.


Exit is obsolete. Use exit IOAX034 instead. See IOA Exits.


This exit is activated when CDAM parameter EXIT=YES is specified. The exit, which should be in a LINKLIST concatenation, receives control for every line written to the CDAM file. For a description of the exit, see the CDAM chapter in the Control‑D and Control‑V User Guide.

Note: If CTDX018 is not in the LINKLIST, the IOA LOAD would need to be in the steplib concatenation of every job that writes directly to CDAM.


This exit is used to control the update of the Control‑D/WebAccess Server Active Transfer file. For details, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Security Guide.


This exit is invoked when the Print Plan file is built. It can modify the contents of print plan records before they are written to the print plan file.


This exit is activated before the Recipient Tree is displayed (Screen T). Based on the library name and Recipient Tree member name, the exit determines if the Recipient Tree is to be edited or browsed.


This exit is invoked during decollation. It can be used to access default records in the Active or Permanent User files, to create user and SYSDATA records in the Active User file, to access each page of a report that is being decollated, or to access index values before they are added to the index file. When this exit is called, function INXMASK can be used to modify a mask value and function INXVAL can be used to "unify" index values by (for example) changing index values from mixed case to uppercase.


This exit is invoked by the Application server when a Control‑D/Page On Demand (POD) request is processed. It can be called to control access to the Control‑D Active User file and the Control‑V Migrated User file from Control‑D/Page On Demand. The mainframe logon user ID specified in the Control‑D/WebAccess Server Communication Setup menu is passed to this exit.

Security module CTDSE24 retrieves security definitions from the Recipient Tree. The administrator can authorize Control‑D/Page On Demand users to view mainframe reports by adding the appropriate mainframe logon ID to the AUTHORIZE field in the recipient definitions in the Recipient Tree. For more information about this topic, see the documentation for Security Module CTDSE24.


This exit is invoked by the Control‑D/Decollation Server Online environment under the T, M, A.Z and U.P screens.


Install the Control‑D File Transfer option.


Enables you to change attributes stored in a .cfg file before sending the file to Control-D/Delivery Server.

Sample User Exit CTDX030A replaces invalid special characters in the .cfg filename with the # character.


This exit is invoked during online processing of index files. It enables the user to retrieve index values from non-Control‑V index files.


This exit is invoked by the IOASMON Archive Server before writing an SMF record.

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