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Expanding Control-D Files

The following Control‑D files can be expanded using ICE:

Perform the following steps to expand Control‑D files:

  1. Close all monitors. For example, to shut down the Control‑D monitor, issue operator command P CONTROLD.
  2. Rename the old file (that you want to expand).
  3. Using ICE, select Customization. Enter CTD in the Product field, select Product Customization, and then select Major Step 6, "Customize Control-D Dataset Parameters." Perform the steps in order for each file you want to expand.
  4. Perform minor step 1, "Customization Instructions," which provides an overview of the process.
  5. Perform minor step 2, Control‑D Dataset Parameters, which lets you specify values that ICE uses to calculate the appropriate file size. During this step, specify a question mark (?) in any parameter field for help. Modify only the parameters relevant for the files you want to expand
  6. Perform minor step 3, Save Parameters into Product Libraries, to save the parameter values that you specified in minor step 2.
  7. Minor steps 4 through 6 run jobs that perform the expansion. Perform only those steps relevant to the files you want to expand.

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