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Utility CTDCA2P

Utility CTDCA2P copies newly generated report and user entries from the Active User Report List file to the Permanent User Report List file, which maintains the list of all reports that can be created at any specific time.

New report and user entries are created on the Active User Report List file when a new recipient is detected in a certain report (for example, when a new bank branch is opened). This entry has the default copy count of the report as defined in the report decollating mission. The utility copies the entries to the Permanent User Report List file, thereby automatically updating the User Report list on the Permanent User Report List file. It does not update User and Report entries that already exist in the Permanent User Report List file.

Utility CTDCA2P can be run more than once a day (for example, after a computer crash). Duplicate entries are not created.

It is recommended that the utility be run once a day, preferably before the New Day procedure is invoked.

Parent Topic

Permanent User Report List File