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Dynamic Device Mode

Dynamic devices are allocated to the server when needed, and freed when no requests are pending. Dynamic devices are defined implicitly using the DEVQTY parameter. This parameter defines the maximum number of devices that are allocated when the server is started. The allocation is done upon request. No device is allocated until an online viewing user issues the first access. The DEVQTY parameter is mandatory when using the dynamic device mode. The DYNDEVRL parameter defines when the device is freed after requests are processed. as follows:


Table 175 Fields for Parameter DYNDEVRL




Indicates the allocation method to use when processing a request for a volume. Valid values:


Free the device when a request for another volume is to be processed. The device can be released and allocated to another job even if there are still requests pending.

Dynamic allocation is performed in a standard manner using the MVS catalog. This is the recommended method at sites with multiple Robotic Tape Libraries and at sites where IOASMON non‑switched allocation impacts the Tape Management System’s functionality.


Process requests for all volumes before releasing the device. Default.


Number of minutes to hold the device after the last request is processed. This parameter ensures that if a request is issued within the specified time interval, the device is still available to the server. This parameter applies to both SWITCH and NOSWITCH methods. Default 1 (minute).

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