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Migration to Centera

The EMC Centera storage system is used for report migration. During the migration process, each CDAM file is put into separate Centera clips as a BLOB and the clip-id is stored in SYSDATA records for later access. Centera node addresses are taken from the POOL1 through POOL4 parameters of the corresponding media, as defined in IOASPRM.

Because the Centera SDK works over TCP/IP, all address spaces using the SDK (migration jobs, IOASMON, CTVCLMIG utilities, and CTVUNMIG) should run under an RACF user with defined OMVS segment.

Note: You must be running z/OS 1.2 or higher when using Centera SDK in the migration process.

In order to use Centera authorization based on the PEA profiles, perform the following steps:

  1. Allocate a file with attributes RECFM=VB, LRECL=1024, BLKSIZE=4096 and insert the Centera PEA text in ASCII. The text should be transferred to the mainframe in binary format. For example, the file DS name is CTD.CENTPEA.
  2. Create the CENTCONF member in the IOA PARM library with the following content:


    X’00’ must be specified after the last apostrophe.

  3. Add the following DD card to the migration skeleton and to the IOASMON, CTVCLMIG, and CTVUNMIG procedures:


    Note: If Centera authorization fails, the job or STC receives an error code of -10153. For example:


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