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Specifying File Transfer Settings

Each newly transferred file is processed by FTO according to special transfer, allocation, scheduling and post-processing parameters. These parameters are located in the Control‑D FTOPARM library.

Members of the Control‑D FTOPARM library are selected according to matching GROUP_IDs. Special member $$FTDFLT in the Control‑D FTOPARM library specifies the default parameters.

Members in the Control‑D FTOPARM library are formatted as follows:








Mask characters (wildcards) can be specified for ++++REPORT_ID.

PARAMETERn can be defined according to the parameters described in the following table.

Table 155 Transfer Parameters




The type of transfer that must occur. If parameter TYPE is not specified, its value is taken from the header provided by SesAgent. Valid values are:

  • A (or ASCII) - ASCII transfer.
  • B (or Binary) - Binary transfer.
  • AFP - AFP transfer (that is AFPDS report Category 5), which is stored on the mainframe with a record format (RECFM) of VBA, a logical record length (LRECL) or 32756 and a block size (BLKSIZE) of 32760.
  • N (or NORM) - This parameter is used together with the REPENTRY parameter causing the report to be transferred in binary mode and be marked as normalized (like a report created on the mainframe by a decollation mission with an ON TRNCLASS/ON TRNDSN statement). This parameter is required to enable printing of normalized XEROX reports.


Name of the translation table from ASCII to EBCDIC.

  • STD - Standard table TRNA2E located in the IOA PARM library. Default.
  • <table name> - Any other table, explicitly named.


Line separator.

  • CRLF - Carriage return and line feed. Default.
  • LF - Line feed.
  • NONE - No line separator.
  • RDW - Causes line separation according to RDW at the beginning of every line.


Page separator.

IOA Exit 39 can be used to force page break according to non-standard control characters during writing to CDAM. For descriptions of all exits, see Chapter 9, "Exits."

  • FF - Form feed.
  • NONE - No page separator. Default


Output target, where the transferred files reside.

  • SPOOL - Transferred files reside in the spool. Default.
  • CDAM - Transferred files reside in CDAM.


Indication of whether a new first line must be inserted before the beginning of the report, and if so, what the contents off the new first line must be.

AutoEdit variables %GROUP%, %REPORT%, %REPORTX%, %DATE%, %TIME%, %JOBNAME%, and/or %JOBID% can be specified in this parameter.

  • AUTO - A first line is inserted the report in one of the following formats:
  • for Control-D working in IOA610 backward compatibility mode
  • for Control-D working in regular mode
  • ‘image’ - An image of the first line to be inserted before the report.
  • NONE - No first line is inserted before the report.


The REPENTRY parameters requests the creation of new USER and SYSDATA records for the entire dataset stored in a CDAM without decollation. This parameter can be specified only if CDAM is specified in the OUT parameter.

The SYSDATA and USER records are created as defined in the REPENTRY parameter’s subparameters. Additional relevant information is also obtained from CDAM and is inserted into the SYSDATA record.

Values for REPENTRY subparameters must be specified between single quotes. AutoEdit variables %GROUP%, %REPORT%, %REPORTX%, %DATE%, %TIME%, %JOBNAME%, and/or %JOBID% can be specified in these subparameters. The REPENTRY subparameters are:

  • USER - User name. Mandatory.
  • NAME - Report name. Mandatory.
  • PRINT - Print mission name. Optional.
  • MIGRATE - Migration mission name. Optional.
  • BACKUP - Backup mission name. Optional.
  • REMARK - Comments. Optional.
  • REMARK2 -Extended comments. Optional.
  • REMARK3 - Extended comments. Optional.
  • CATEGORY -Category field in the USER record, up 20 chars in length. Optional. CREATED is a default value.
  • ODAT - ODAT stored in VSA USER and SYSDATA record. Optional.


The STAT parameter determines whether Control‑D File Transfer option issues messages to the IOA Log every time file transfer starts and terminates. This parameter can only be defined in member $$FTDFLT, the defaults member.

  • YES - The product issue messages to the IOA Log every time file transfer starts and terminates. Default.
  • NO - The product does not issue messages to the IOA Log when file transfer starts and terminates.


Number of SMF records that can be created upon termination of each file transfer. Control‑D Exit 27 can be used to create SMF records.


Can be used in Control‑D user exit 27. Up to 75 chars in length.

Table 156 Post-processing Parameters




Decollation scheduling parameters. This parameter has the following format:

date libname [missionname catname] [FORCE]

For more information, see Scheduling Missions Through a New Day Procedure.

If the current FTO session stores the transferred file in CDAM (OUT=CDAM), the decollation mission ordered according to the DECMIS parameter must contain parameter DSN=%%CDAM specified on the second line of the ON DSN / ON TRNDSN statement in the Decollation mission definition, as follows:


ON DSN        = PREFIX= CTD.USR,                            


PRT COPIES    LVL    USER                                  

    PRINT/CDAM PARMS =       

The variable %%CDAM will be resolved by the CDAM name created by FTO in the current session, with asterisk instead of the two last '00' characters in CDAM name, as follows:


ON DSN        = PREFIX=CTD.USR,                            


PRT COPIES    LVL    USER                                  



Text of message.

  • ‘message’ - AutoEdit variables %GROUP%, %REPORT%, %REPORTX%, %DATE%, %TIME%, %JOBNAME%, and/or %JOBID% can be specified.
  • WHEN - Optional. Valid values: OK, NOT OK, ALWAYS. Default: OK.


Prerequisite condition to add to or delete from the IOA Conditions file. The condition is specified in the format:

action COND condition condition-date

For more information, see the IOA Utilities chapter in the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

AutoEdit variables %GROUP%, %REPORT%, %REPORTX%, %DATE%, %TIME%, %JOBNAME%, and/or %JOBID% can be specified in this parameter.

Any post-processing parameter can be specified several times. If a file is not transferred successfully, the only post-processing action that is performed is that specified parameter WTO with subparameter WHEN set to NOT OK or ALWAYS. In this case, the resulting file is deleted.

Parent Topic

Control-D File Transfer Option