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Using OUTPARMS for Global Control of Printing Characteristics

The Control‑D Global Control of the Printing Characteristics option provides the ability to override the default printing characteristics (specified at decollation time) for all (or some) of the reports and banners to be printed by Control‑D. This option is for deferred printing as well as for immediate printing. The following printing characteristics can be controlled:

  • CHAR1
  • DEST
  • FORMS8
  • TRC
  • CHAR2
  • FCB
  • UCS
  • CHAR3
  • CHAR4




CHAR1, CHAR2, CHAR3, and CHAR4 define specific character sets. CHARS defines the character set referenced by CHAR1 and nullifies CHAR2, CHAR3, and CHAR4.

The value assigned to DEST is specified in the following format:


Setting parameter TRC (Table Reference Character) to YES produces the same result as including parameter OPTCD=J in the JCL.

The Control‑D OUTPARMS library is used to implement global control of printing characteristics. Control-D applies two-layer search for those characteristics of a report:

Report print characteristics, listed in the above table, are coded on lines that follow the corresponding identification line in an arbitrary order, and must be separated by a space. See the sample members in the OUTPARMS library.

Note: For compatibility with earlier versions, identification lines may be designated by only three +++ characters in the first three columns, followed by a search pattern. In this case, the search pattern cannot be more than 20 characters in length and the COPY=nn and JOBNAME=xxxxxxxx parameters, if needed, must be coded on the same line.

In addition, a special member named $$BANCHR is used for banner print characteristics. In this member, a search pattern located on an identification line represents the pattern of a print mission name. A special print mission name, $$ONLINE, is used for immediate printing.

Note: Reports that are not specified in the OUTPARMS library are printed using default characteristics. The same is true for banners.

As an example of how this option can be used, the user can send all the reports that belong to the accounting department to the local printer at the accounting department, specifying the appropriate destination for the reports by the DEST parameter in the OUTPARMS library.

To put the OUTPARMS library into effect, add the OUTPARM and BANNER parameters to the definitions of banner Exits CTDX003 and CTDX014 in the IOA SAMPEXIT library. For more information about these parameters, see Concept.


To control the printing characteristics of banners, perform the following steps:

  1. Sample member SAMPBANN in the OUTPARMS library describes how to specify the print characteristics that are used for banners. All print characteristics listed in "Using OUTPARMS for Global Control of Printing Characteristics" can be used.

    Create member $$BANCHR in the OUTPARMS library. This member is used to specify the print characteristics that are used for banners. The following is an example of the contents of this member:



    In this example, all printing missions whose names start with STD use OUTPUT statement BANNER1 to determine the printing characteristics of the banners. If an asterisk is specified instead of STD*, all printing missions use OUTPUT statement BANNER1 to determine the printing characteristics of banners.

  2. Add OUTPUT DD statements to the Control‑D Printers Control monitor procedure (CTDPRINT). For each OUTPUT statement, add the appropriate printing parameters (PAGEDEF, FORMDEF, and so on). For example, assume that member $$BANCHR contains the following lines:





    OUTPUT statements BANNER1 and BANNER2 must be added to the CTDPRINT procedure.

  3. If the site runs more than one Printers Control monitor (CTDPRIN2, and so on), these OUTPUT statements must be added each Printers Control monitor procedure.

Parent Topic

Printing Mission Management