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Control-M Monitor Abends

If the Control‑M monitor abends, it may be possible to determine that a specific job or started task caused the abend, as follows:

If this is the case, change the status of the specific job or started task to HELD using the Control‑M Active Environment screen. When the monitor is reactivated, it processes the held request first and thus enables continuation of production work. (Control‑M bypasses all jobs in HELD status.)

To automate this process of Control-M monitor abend recovery for future occurrences, set the MAXJBHLD parameter in member CTMPARM of the IOA PARM library. For more information, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide: Customizing, "Customizing INCONTROL products" > "Control-M customization considerations."

If the Control‑M monitor cannot be reactivated, continue to work manually, as explained in Manual Recovery Procedures.

For more information about implementing the submission work plan, see Manual Recovery Procedures.

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