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Executing VM Commands using the IOAVAUTO Machine

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A special VM AUTOLOG machine (called IOAVAUTO below) can be set up to execute commands under VM, and (optionally) inform Control‑M as to whether the commands have been performed successfully.

The IOAVAUTO machine must be defined with appropriate security privileges and authorizations to enable IOAVAUTO to execute the VM commands.

One way in which Control‑M can send a command file to IOAVAUTO is by submitting a job that produces a SYSOUT file to be passed to the VM IOAVAUTO machine. The SYSOUT file can contain one or more REXX commands. The SYSOUT file is passed by JES to VM (RSCS) and is placed on IOAVAUTO’s reader.

The IOAVAUTO machine (driven by EXEC IOAVEXEC) awaits the arrival of command files sent to the machine’s reader. When a reader file arrives, it is received and processed. In addition, the commands processed are logged on minidisk A in file IOA LOG.

Optionally, an indication can be sent to Control‑M as to whether the commands have succeeded, enabling Control‑M to take appropriate action. (For example, Control‑M can trigger another job, reschedule the same commands to IOAVAUTO after several minutes, and handle similar processes).

EXEC IOAVCND is supplied to inform Control‑M as to whether the request has been performed successfully. IOAVCND generates a job and submits it to MVS. The job operates utility IOACND to add or delete a prerequisite condition in Control‑M. The example below illustrates how to call utility IOAVCND.

Parent Topic

Control-M Triggering of Events in VM