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Control-M VM Support

Most medium to large computer centers maintain a complex production environment based on multiple operating systems and platforms. A typical, large computer center can employ MVS/ESA, VM, VAX/VMS, AS/400, Unix machines, PCs, and so on.

This section details how Control‑M and IOA can easily be implemented in order to automate control of VM operations through standard MVS and VM operating system functions and specific Control‑M features.

One of the most popular combinations at these computer centers is the coupling of MVS and VM. These computer centers require integrated production control capabilities for both operating systems. One aspect of integrated production control is the capability to automate processes in the VM environment. For example, VM commands or EXECs must automatically be executed under VM at certain times, or according to events that occur in either MVS or VM. Usually, these VM commands or EXECs must be executed in certain sequences, and the results must be checked to ensure that the commands or sequences have completed successfully. Another aspect of integrated production control is the synchronization of processes in and between MVS and VM. For example, an MVS-based application may require an input file to be received from VM before the application can proceed.

There is no single answer or solution to every problem. Much depends on the hardware and software configurations implemented at your site. Some of the solutions described in this section may not be appropriate for your site. Therefore, for some problems, more than one solution or approach has been presented. Each site can determine which solution is most suitable for its environment.

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